Friday, March 20, 2009

Chuck E Cheese

Today we went with my sister-in-law Jen and nephew Blake to Chuck E Cheese. Laneah had a good time in the toddler section where they had a little playground with a slide. She climbed up the steps to the play area and then I think she wanted to get down so she turned to go down backwards, but instead of going down the steps, she went down the slide. Her face was priceless! She looked at me like 'what the heck, I'm sliding?'. She liked it so much that she ran back over to the steps, climbed in the play area and then to my astonishment, went down head first giggling. She did that over and over for a while and I got a little video clip of it. She also went on one of those little kiddie rides for the first time and loved it. We ordered pizza and while we waited, Laneah and Blake danced away to the Chuck E Cheese puppets and their songs. Then Chuck E Cheese himself came over. Blake gave him a high five and Laneah was curious about him but didn't want to get too close. She loved the puppets though, I could hardly get her to eat pizza and ice cream because she was so into them! After we left, she passed out in the car, she was really worn out. Thanks Blake and Jen for inviting us to a fun day at Chuck E Cheese!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


For some reason, Laneah loves to put buckets (sand pails, baskets, etc) over her head and walk around. It is so cute. She will just pick up a bucket and start walking. She thinks it is so funny and she laughs, claps and of course, trips. Sometimes she uses it to play peek-a-boo too. Adorable. Now if only she would wear her hats......

Monday, March 9, 2009

Miss Chatterbox

Laneah has loved our cell phones for a long time. But right now she likes to play with all toy phones and even thinks that some things are phones (ex-remote controls) that are not. She walks around with her "phones" and has the funniest conversations. Sometimes she just babbles, and sometimes she will just say "hi...bye" over and over again. But the funniest thing is that a lot of times she puts the phone on her shoulder or behind her head instead of to her ear and mouth. This video she is carrying around her toy phone having a little conversation. Pardon the messy room, she loves to make a mess.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Philly, House Drama, a birthday party and lots of snow!

Yesterday we were able to go to Philly and visit with some of Laneah's birth family. We saw the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and ate lunch at Jim's Steakhouse (very famous, not that great though). After our touring, we went to Laneah's aunts house where we enjoyed a delicious dinner and had a good time laughing and playing. Laneah's two little cousins were there too and were so cute. Laneah also got to see her grandmother for the first time since she was born. It was a fun trip!

House woes: 1) about three weeks ago I was at the kitchen sink and for whatever reason I looked up at the ceiling and noticed a bulge. Yep, I pushed it and water came out. Jason removed the damaged water-soaked dry wall and said that the upstairs hallway bathroom was leaking but that he would be able to fix it. Three weeks is not fixed and there is a giant hole in my ceiling still. However, in Jason's defense he was still helping his grandpa's company and so he was gone all the time. 2) Another leak. A week after the ceiling incident, I opened the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink to get some dishwashing soap and realized there was a leak. This time it was the garbage disposal. 3) Electrical problems. For about a month now, the lights in our bedroom have been flickering. It is annoying, it is like having a strobe light in your bedroom! Last week, the lights completely went out as well as the outlet next to the light. Then two days ago, Jason plugged his cell phone charger in one of the outlets in the bedroom that worked, and the lights came back on. We figured that it just needed a jolt and it was fine. But yesterday, before we left for Philly, we smelled something burning in our bedroom. The outlet had caused a small electrical fire! Luckily we hadn't left yet so we turned off the breaker and it was fine. However, I am back with no light in my bedroom...for now.....

Saturday was our nephew Anthony's 4th birthday party. The theme was a Monster Truck party. Anthony and one of our other nephews, Blake both have little four wheeler type cars and the kids raced them at the party, it was so funny. Laneah didn't want anything to do with the games or the people there. She clung to me until she saw all the balloons, she is crazy about them right now. She wouldn't calm down until she had all the balloons in her possession:)

And last night and today it snowed and snowed and snowed! I took Laneah outside this morning to let her play in the snow. We were outside for about 3 minutes:) She was happy until she stumbled in the snow and as soon as her face got wet, she was done. She looked really cute all bundled up though:)