Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Dance

I am sorry about being a blog slacker of late, but with Jason working 80 hours a week and trying to get through the piles of adoption paperwork, blogging has been put on the back burner. I really wanted to do a long post of what Laneah is up to at 14 months, but I (and you) will have to settle for just one thing today.

Laneah is really into dancing right now. I love it, it is so cute and funny. She loves Kayne West, Heartless is her favorite. Seriously, about a week ago we were in the car and she was fussing and then 'Heartless' came on and she started laughing, clapping and dancing! She also loves the 'Mamma Mia' songs too. But really she dances to most music right now. She has several hilarious moves, but as soon as I turn the camera on, she stops dancing. I was finally able to get a video of her dancing with some of her signature moves:)


K+C=M+K said...

I like her hand jive!! She's too cute for words Rach! I love her and I haven't even met her yet! Soon!!!!

Cam said...

So cute! There's so much dance inside her but she's not sure how to get it out. I love the excitement she shows with her hands.

Heather said...

I'm going to call that first move "the monkey." The dancing is adorable. I miss having dance sessions with Isabella...she's on to bigger and better things now (like making messes).

Anonymous said...

That's our girl! Go baby go! I love the expressions on her face, it's fun seeing her get her groove on. I sure miss all of you.