Monday, December 22, 2008

One year ago today.....

One year ago today, our lives were changed forever. We were given the most precious gift that one could give; a beautiful baby. After years of heart ache and longing, our hearts were filled with love and joy as we held our precious baby girl in our arms for the first time. This year has been the best year of our lives.

To Laneah's birth mother: We are so grateful to you for your selflessness and love. We think of you often and pray for you daily. We will make sure that Laneah knows what a beautiful and amazing person you are. We hope that this anniversary becomes a joyful memory for you knowing that you made our dreams of a family possible.


Caroline said...

Hi Rachel. This is Caroline Lee (Suber). I went to BYUH when you were there and still keep in touch with Melanie. I happened to come across your blog through Melanie's. I have enjoyed reading about your special family. I am adopted and am appreciatove of the the life that has been given to me. My husband and I have even considerd adopting becasue it looks like I will not be able to have anymore kids after a complicated pregnancy. You are a wonderful example to me. Merry Christmas!

Taryn said...

i am so happy for you guys! and so glad it worked out for you so wonderfully!

K+C=M+K said...

What a great day that was to get your little sweetheart! I can't believe how fast the time flies!

Caroline said...

Hi Again! I added you to mine. I forget to tell how much I love that picture of the three of you coming home. You all looks so happy.

Katie said...

Wow, it's already been a year? I'm so happy for you guys!

Brooke said...

Wow, I didn't realize Ocean and Laneah had the same birthday! How fun!