Monday, December 15, 2008

Night in Bethlehem

Whew! It is done! I am the activities chairman in our ward and I had to put together our Christmas party. Thanks to my committee, the party was a real success. We decided to do a Night in Bethlehem. If you aren't familiar with this activity, you re-enact the time/night of Christ's birth. We started in the chapel to start out on a spiritual note and then headed to the cultural hall to be taxed (non perishable food item that is donated to a food bank). Each person had to sign the census and then were given a money bag. People were to use their money to buy food and gifts from the different booths. There were seven booths in the room with different kinds of food, drinks, toys and gifts. I had each person on my committee in charge of a different booth to make each booth unique. I was very impressed to see people's creativity at work. We strung white Christmas lights on the ceiling so when it was time for the program to start, we turned off all the lights and it looked like you were sitting under the stars. The program was sweet and spiritual (Basically Luke's account of Christ's birth). People really seemed to enjoy themselves. It turned out great but I am glad it's over:)


eyre blog said...

so funny because i just got done doing the same activity in our ward and no one had heard of it yet. I couldn't believe it! GREAT, SPECTACULAR, AMAZING job! I know how much work goes into this. I have a co-chair to help though and still it was SO MUCH work. Now you can breath and finish your Christmas shopping/cards/to do list!

Maureen said...

It looks like it was an amazing night! We wish we could have been there!

Cam said...

That is such a creative activity. How have I never heard of it before? Laneah looked so cute dressed up. And congratulations on your year anniversary with her. She is a lucky little girl to be placed with such great parents.

K+C=M+K said...

Whoo hoo! Good job Rach! The pictures look great! I too am on activities and I hear you on the work you have to do- and I am not even the activities chair! What a stud you are! Miss you! And Merry Christmas!