Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone! I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. We are having a great time at my parent's house. Laneah loves being around grandma, grandpa, her aunt, and all her uncles. My dad got a kitten (named him Jack Bauer) for Christmas, and Laneah has so much fun playing with him. Laneah enjoyed opening presents, but got easily distracted, especially by toys that had already been opened. It was a wonderful day!

We took Laneah to the mall last week to get pictures with Santa. We all thought that she would scream her head off, but she did great! She didn't even pout:) They took about three pictures and she didn't smile. The photograper showed me the ones that she took and asked if they were ok. I asked if we could try one more to see if she would smile. The photographer was so nice, and said that would be fine. I played peek-a-boo with Laneah and she smiled! I was so happy!
Merry Christmas!


The Frosts said...

Awesome blog you guys. It was good to catch-up with you this past November. Wish that we could make it back there more often. Looks like you had a fun Christmas......Lineah is adorable. We hope to make it back to Maryland soon and look forward to seeing you again.

Katie said...

How fun! It looks like Laneah really enjoyed herself. Her hair is getting so long. She looks cute with little clips in her hair!

K+C=M+K said...

She gets cuter everyday! Miss you like crazy!!!