Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Little Miss Attitude

Laneah is all sugar and spice lately; nothing in between. She is either defiant and demanding, or sweet and cuddly. On her defiant side, she sees "no" as a challenge, as in how many times can I do this before mom gives in? On her sweet side, she is giving kisses. I love her sweet, but very slobbery kisses. This video captures her giving me a couple of dirty looks, it is hilarious. I crack up every time I watch it.

Also she took her first steps yesterday. She did 4 steps and then got up and did 3 more. She walked a little today too, but I haven't been able to get a good video of it yet because every time she sees the camera she gets excited and crawls to me as fast as she can to get to the camera:) But I will get a video and post it soon! We leave to visit my parents in a week and we are so excited! Happy Holidays!


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha that hilarious! i love the face she gives you an she like slouches over with attitude! it made me laugh after the third time! lol

Kandice said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she is starting to walk... you're in trouble now. Miss ya!