Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Nana Dos"

So my mom is in town, which has been lots of fun. She has been playing with Laneah's hair and calling the styles "Nana Dos", which cracks me up. She had to sit Laneah in the sink to do her hair because Laneah can't get enough of her "friend" in the mirror. My mom managed to get Laneah's hair to do two different styles: a Pebble's type hairdo and little pigtails, both of which are adorable. But don't take my word for it, just check out the pictures:)

Monday, October 20, 2008

10 months


weight: 19 lbs 4 ozs (50 percentile)
length: 28 1/4 (55 percentile)
Teeth: 5 (2 bottom, three top)
Hair: Blond and crazy:)

Time just flies, especially when you have a little one! I can't believe that she is already 10 months old. Laneah is so much fun and so active. She loves to explore and get into everything. I put together a bunch of pictures and videos to give you a glimpse of what Laneah is like. She crawls all over the place. She can crawl on her hands and knees, but for whatever reason, she prefers to army crawl and so that is what she does most often. She usually crawls to the first thing she can use to pull herself to standing position. She loves to stand and she "cruises" (walks while holding onto furniture). She has been very brave lately and walks from the couch to the coffee table, but only lets go of anything for a few seconds. She stood up once by herself without pulling up on anything about a week ago, but hasn't done it since. Laneah loves to slap and bang her hands on anything and anyone. She is starting to like looking through books and being read to. She loves animals and gets so excited every time she sees our cat Monty. She is just starting to eat stage three foods. I thought that it would be easy because she has taken to solids so enthusiastically. But after screaming through the first few feedings, she now tolerates it. I have tried a few table foods, but she makes a terrible face and spits it out. She has become very suspicious of everything that I give to eat now. She even tests her beloved puffs by sticking her tongue out of her mouth so that she can spit whatever food you give her out quickly. She is very independent. Even though she is very clingy to me, she doesn't like to snuggle or be too close because there is too much going much to much to do:)

Laneah loves to bang pots and pans. She especially likes to play with them on the tile because it is so much louder. Recently she found out which cabinet is home to the pots and pans and enjoys pulling them all out.

Laneah discovered how much fun laundry can be. She likes to crawl into the laundry basket, snuggle with the clothes and then pull the folded laundry out of the basket, shake it (just in case it might still be folded), and then throw all the clothes on the ground.
She loves ties. Every Sunday, she plays with daddy's tie over and over again.
Laneah likes to play in the ball pit. She also loves to throw the balls out of the pit and then chase them. She recently started to like rolling or throwing balls back and forth to Jason or I. She thinks it is really funny.

Lately, Laneah climbs up onto the couch and looks through the blinds to see what is going on outside. She also likes to play peek-a-boo with the curtains. The bottom picture is her laughing at herself after playing peek-a-boo.
She is always crossing her ankles, she even crosses her ankles while standing and holding on to the coffee table sometimes.

Laneah really likes music, and she loves when you make music with her xylophone.

When Laneah gets really excited, she tenses her whole body and shakes with her mouth wide open. It is so funny.

Laneah loves to climb, so it was no surprise when she tackled the stairs.

One day Laneah just started making this noise that sounds like a little monster. I have no idea why she makes the sound or where she might have picked it up, but it is hilarious.

This is our coffee table. It has a bottom piece where I used to store magazines. Rather than crawl around the coffee table, Laneah just climbs through it.

Laneah loves anything involving speed, hanging upside down and adventurous. What she doesn't like, is when those things are over. We love to throw her in the air and do fun things to make her laugh. And she has a great time. But when we stop, she throws a tantrum and we think it is so funny. Bring on the terrible twos!

Last week she started making this funny sound and she does it all the time now.

Well those are a few of the things that our beautiful little girl has been up to. She keeps us busy, happy and tired. We sure love our little munchkin!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Fun!

What a fun time of year. The leaves are starting to change color, the weather is nice, and soon we get to dress up for Halloween! Today was a jam packed family day. First we went to the Homestead Garden's Fall Festival with Aunt Megan, Uncle Tony, Aunt Jen, Uncle Pierson, and Anthony and Blake. The festival had all kinds of rides and games like a tractor pull ride, pumpkin bowling, painting pumpkins, pony rides, hay rides, face painting and more. The kids had a great time. Anthony rode on the tractor ride and got his face painted. Blake and Anthony both had fun pumpkin bowling. And Laneah went on her first pony ride. She wasn't in the best of moods at the beginning of the day, but after her lunch she was all smiles and giggles. We all went on the hayride and Laneah enjoyed that because the wind was in her hair and face (at home, she crawls up to the little fan we have in her room to drown out sound and sticks her face in front of it and laughs). After the festival we all went to the Chick Fil-A where Grandma Kathy works and got lunch. We took Laneah home for her afternoon nap and I made my apple pie. After the nap, we met up with the family again at Jordon's (Pierson's oldest son) football game. Anthony and Blake entertained Laneah by blowing bubbles for her and then chased Uncle Jason around the field and tackled him. After cousin Jordon won his football game, we had dinner and then all enjoyed homemade apple pie and vanilla ice cream to end a fun-filled fall day!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh That Hair!

This little girl of mine has gone from one crazy hair style to the next! First, all of her sweet baby hair fell out except for the "mullet" (one strip of dark hair across the back of her head). Then, with the mullet still in place, fuzzy blond "duck hair" started growing and growing, and grew straight up. Then the last of her baby hair, the mullet, fell out, leaving her with an asymmetrical looking bob in the back. Now her hair is so long, that it curls backwards! It is so funny, I think it looks like Sonic the Hedgehog. Nothing will tame this girls hair, I'm serious. I have tried gel and wax a couple of times, and it didn't take more than a few minutes for it stand right back up. At Megan's wedding, I put wax stuff in her hair and she kept grabbing her hair and pulling it straight up or outwards. By the end of the day, it was all over the place! Jason loves it though. Everywhere I go, people go on and on about her hair. You would not even believe how many people ask me if I style it that way. Someone even asked me if I curled it! Seriously, I don't know if these people are really digging her hair or not, because I'm not a fan. Don't get me wrong, Laneah is hands down the most gorgeous baby there is, but this hair business has got to end! (BTW I am being over dramatic on purpose for those of you who don't know me well) I am beginning to wonder if it will ever lay down............

Anyway, here are some pictures of my beautiful baby rockin' her crazy hair