Monday, August 25, 2008

Halloween Costumes

So I am trying to figure out what to dress Laneah as for Halloween and these are my top 5 choices. I wanted everyone's opinions so I am putting a poll up on the blog and I want you guys to vote.

A. Bunny Costume. This is so cute and cozy (and pink!)
B. Butterfly costume. This is so sweet and beautiful.

C. Punk Rocker. This is Jason's favorite. I think it would look awesome with her hair:)D. Fairy costume. I think this costume is gorgeous, but as Jason pointed out, she is probably going to want to be a princess or fairy for several years.
E. Witch costume. Although I love all the costumes, I think this is my favorite. I just love the shoes!

What do you think? And don't forget to vote! I don't think you have to be a blogger to vote.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Today my sister-in-law, Jen and her son, Blake, who is 2 years old (3 in October), came over to our house to hang out and play. Blake is active and adventurous and so much fun. Laneah loves to watch him and laughs at all the silly things he does. What we think is so funny is that he can't pronounce Laneah's name, so he calls her Banana. After playing, we went to lunch at Chick Fil-A. We just love having such wonderful family around to hang out with. Here is a video I took of him calling her Banana.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Ok, so I'm cheesy, but at least I am willing to admit it. Sorry for slacking on the posts, I know you are all just dying to hear about what I have been up to:) jk. Anyway, back to my cheesy title, Laneah got her two bottom teeth on Aug 4th! I can't believe it. She was playing on the floor and all of the sudden she grabbed something off the floor and put it in her mouth. I immediately put my fingers in her mouth trying to grab whatever she put in her mouth and felt something sharp. I freaked out at first, but then realized that she didn't put anything in her mouth, but had two little teeth barely poking through. They are so cute, but I hate that she is growing so fast. She is so big, at her 7 month check up she was 17 lbs, 8 oz and 27 1/2 inches long. She is in the 90 percentile for height. She doesn't officially crawl, but does everything else: creep or army crawl, side crawl, scoots, name it, she does it. Right now she loves when we stack blocks and then she chases after them to knock them down. She also chases after the cat and Monty doesn't know what to think of that. It is pretty funny. Here are some pictures where you can see her teeth.

Baby Einstein

Laneah has been a huge fan of Baby Einstein since she was 3 months old and she has the hair to prove it. Now that's dedication:)

Her favorite Baby Einstein movie is Baby MacDonald. She gets so excited when she watches it, it is hilarious.