Sunday, June 29, 2008

Adoption Day and Celebration

So its final! We went to court on Tuesday morning. It only took about 15 minutes. Jason and I had to get on the stand and verify our names and information and state that we wanted to adopt Laneah. Then the judge ruled in favor of adoption and it was over. We took some pictures with the judge and then got our paperwork and left. It is such a relief to have everything finished. Now we have the sealing to look forward to next week.

Saturday was our adoption celebration. We had family and close friends over for a bbq and pool party (at Jason's grandparent's we don't have a pool :) It was great. The rain held off until after the party and the sun was shining. Laneah actually did really good in the pool too. It was a lot of fun! We can't wait for our trip to Missouri and then Nauvoo:)
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sittin' Pretty, Bat Baby, and Happy Father's Day

Today was Jason's first father's day and he had to give a talk in church. Most people dread doing this, but Jason loves it. He gave a great talk. I think my favorite part was when he said that out of all the fun and great things he has done, nothing compares to the happiness he feels when Laneah laughs. It was really sweet. Here is a picture of the proud papa: Now to the sittin' pretty. Laneah has been sitting with little assistance for a while now, but today things just clicked. She sat on her own, no help for 15 minutes. Look how happy she is:)
So here is something that I find very strange; Laneah loves to be upside down. If she is on your lap, she will usually lay back and and hang her head off your knees. We literally have to make her come back up, I mean it can't be good for her with all her blood rushing to her head. But she loves it. So Jason starting hanging her upside down for a few seconds now and then and she cracks up. It is hilarious.
Here are a few pictures of her in daddy's hat. I thought they were cute.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere!

It has been so incredibly hot here, like in the high 90's low 100's and with everyone's best friend (humidity of course), it made it absolutely miserable. So naturally my car's air conditioner broke (and I am not kidding, the temperature in my car read 125!), then my radiator cracked and so I couldn't drive anymore, which was perfect because Jason's car was already in the shop. anyway, a carless week and a couple of grand later, our cars are fixed (except my air, but at least it has cooled down some). It was a busy week. And I bet you are wondering why in the world is this post titled "water, water everywhere" so I will get to my point:) Last weekend we took Laneah to Jason's grandparents house for a family gathering and the pool is open so we brought our suits. Laneah hadn't been in a pool yet and I was a little nervous because she isn't crazy about bath time(she hated it at first, and now she tolerates it). We started out in the kiddie pool and she did great so we decided to ease her in the big pool. I sat on the steps with her and she was squirming trying to get off my lap into the pool (face first:) Daddy took her out into the water and she was having a great time and then her uncle jumped in the pool next to her and splashed her right in the face. Not a little splash, like a wave. She became hysterical and we had to take her out of the pool. Several tries later we got her back into the pool without crying. Then someone else jumped off the side into the pool and splashed her in the face again! She wouldn't stop crying. I tried to get her back in the pool after breaks, but she didn't want anything to do with it. Every time she she heard a loud splash, she would cry again :( I felt so bad. I hope she will try the pool again because Jason and I are such water lovers. Anyway, here are a couple of pictures before the splashing incident.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Court Date

We have a court date:) Laneah's adoption will be finalized on June 24, 9 a.m.! I can't believe that it has almost been 6 months. I am so excited to have her officially be ours!