Friday, April 25, 2008


Laneah had her 4 month check up yesterday. She weighs 14 lbs, 3 oz (60%) and is 25 1/4 inches long (75%). The doctor was impressed with how advanced she is and said that she was very healthy. Then she had to get 5 vaccinations: 1 oral, and 4 injections:( She did really good with the first two and she stopped crying when the nurse put on the band aids, but then the nurse gave her two more shots and I couldn't get her to stop crying until we came home. Poor baby! She is doing good though. She has a slight fever today and is more tired than normal but overall she is a trooper!

So each day it seems that she is making a new sound and she is non stop babbling now; I love it! The weirdest thing is that she is a t.v. junkie! I am not kidding, she is just like her father! If the t.v. is on, it doesn't matter what toys are around, her eyes are glued to the t.v.! She does love the Baby Einsteins dvds too, especially Baby Mozart. She is finally learning how to sleep on her tummy again. When she started rolling from her back to her tummy, we didn't sleep for over a week because she kept rolling onto her tummy and then would wake herself up every 5-10 minutes. It was awful, but she is sleeping much better now. I can't believe how fast she is growing and she continues to change each day!

Here are some pictures of her before her doctor's appointment yesterday. It has been really hot here so I have been able to put those cute summer outfits on her.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Flowers, flowers and more flowers

We have been trying to get Laneah used to being outdoors. She really likes flowers. We let her play with the tulips on in our front yard and she ripped one off and tried to eat it!

We put a pretty little flower behind her ear and she looked so cute.

Sounds and Laughs

Laneah laughs out loud all of the time now. The trouble is getting it on camera. She doesn't like the camera and every time she sees it, she immediately stops smiling or laughing and gets a serious look on her face. I swear that she can sense the camera because even when I hide it from her view, she knows! Anyway, her are a couple of videos of her smiling, laughing and babbling. The first video shows her rolling over from her back to her tummy and then she makes some sounds. Sorry it is a little shaky.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The only mullet I have ever liked

So my daughter has a mullet. I knew it was bad when Jason came home from work the other day and said "wow, look at her mullet... do you think we should cut it"? Her mullet is where her baby hair didn't fall out and it is darker and thicker than the rest and is right at the base of her neck. The rest of her hair is lighter and very sparse:) It is so funny I had to post some pics. And no, I am not going to cut it.

So in other news, Laneah rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time today! And she did it twice. She is such a strong baby! She is really starting to like new things and anything that you wouldn't think was interesting is interesting to her. She loves, and I mean loves, water bottles. We drink Deer Park water and she gets so excited when she sees it. She coos and kicks her feet and smiles. It is hilarious. Jason often teases me and asks why I even buy her toys when she is so fascinated by items like water bottles. What a funny little girl we have.

Laneah with the Cherry blossom trees

It has been gorgeous weather here the past couple of days. I have been so excited for the warm weather so that I could go on long walks. And wouldn't you know it, Laneah doesn't like her stroller and she doesn't like being outside! But the weather was so nice so we took her for a walk in her bjorn carrier and she did better in that than her stroller. Still she wasn't happy to be outside or held next to a tree, but I love the cherry blossom trees and wanted a couple of photos of her with the trees while they were in bloom.