Friday, March 28, 2008

3 months!

I can't believe that Laneah is three months old already. She is so sweet and so much fun! She loves to smile all of the time now at people and at toys. She is starting to remember things and when she sees her favorite toys she gets really excited. She can track with her eyes really well. She likes to sit up and can do pretty well on her own if she is in a chair or on the couch. She loves to stand with our help and can stand for almost 10 minutes without a break. She makes lots of cooing sounds and likes to move her mouth around like she is talking. Her hair is starting to grow in (and up!) and she still has a little mullet in the back. But her bald spot on the back of her head is finally starting to fill in. She loves when I sing to her and her favorite songs are Twinkle, Twinkle; You are My Sunshine; and Old McDonald. She loves her daddy and they take long naps together and of course, watch lots of sports together:) She is just starting to get really chubby and it is so cute. Well enough of my ranting about how adorable my little girl is. I just can't get enough of her. She is perfect!

(We were just able to set a sealing date and we are really excited! We can't wait until everything is official! )


Melanie said...

She is SO cute! Our little girl is going to be a sports fan too, maybe they can play on teams together someday.


Taryn said...

she is seriously adorable! i'm so glad you started a blog!

Heather said...

Yea! Now I can keep up with you guys better. Laneah is a beautiful baby, and she has beautiful parents.

Kris said...

Laneah is just beautiful. What a blessing to have her. You look great too! Last time I saw you - years ago - you were a blonde! Love the blog.

Kristin said...

Ok, so I'm posting right below another Kris but this is KB. You seem like you are just LOVING being a mom. She is super lucky and so cute. But as the other Kris said, I like the change.

K+C=M+K said...

So glad you started your blog! I am going to love reading the updates! Laneah is such a beautiful little girl, the boys will be fighting over her in the (far, far) future! You guys are great parents and I can't wait to meet Laneah someday in person! Love you guys!
Chelsea + Kirk

Ann said...

I know everyone else has said this but it sums everything up she really is "whoa dang" cute! We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to see her in person.

Anonymous said...

Hey my friend Rachel. You are so inspiring. Honestly. I love reading your blog because it makes me all nice & warm & fuzzy.
So when will you be swinging by the Lou again??