Saturday, October 27, 2007

Birth Mother Visit

So last week we went and visited the birth mother of our soon-to-be daughter Laneah. What a great experience. The first face-to-face at LDS Family Services was a little awkward because we were all so nervous. But Candice loved the gifts that we got for her. I made her a soft and cozy pink (her favorite color) blanket so that it would comfort her when she got sad and lonely and told her to imagine that when she wrapped it around herself, she was getting hugs from us. We also got her a bracelet with a heart charm that had Laneah's name inscribed on the heart because Laneah would always be in her heart. And we got her the Thank You Willow Tree Angel because she is our angel. For Laneah, we made two cds. One is of me singing songs and the other is Jason and I reading Laneah stories. We wanted her to get used to our voices. Candice really liked that idea.

Saturday, we went to dinner with Candice and her parents. It went really well. Conversation was easy and Jason and I both felt that we could easily talk with them for hours. It felt as if they were old friends. Candice told us at dinner how she had been having these dreams that she has the baby and as she holds her, she hears a clear voice saying, "this is not your baby, this is Rachel and Jason's baby". What a cool experience. We were so happy to be able to go meet Candice and her parents before the placement.