Hides to poop- the only time he wants to be by himself is when he is pooping. He will tell me to "stay over here, and I go over here" and then takes 5-10 mins to do his business. If I ever see him red faced and grunting and ask "are you pooping" he always says no. lol. I want him to be potty trained, but he isn't interested yet.
Stop! (with hand up)
Red means stop, green means go, yellow means slow down! (At every single light!!) "What does blue mean say?" (He wants me to say the sky is blue)
Likes to compare things by size, color, pattern, etc.
"This is the biggest one!" He says this a lot, and yells biggest.
Talks very fast and nonstop
Calls all beds cribs and blankets cribibs. Will not use any other blanket besides his brown one. He will say "I don like this cribib!"
"What you have for me?" or "you have _____ for me?"
Will tell you what he wants you to ask him. For example he will ask "what color is this?" and he doesn't want me to tell him the color, he wants to show that he knows the color and wants me to ask him what color it is.
Pretends he is a cat all the time. He meows once for yes, and twice for no when answering questions.
Head butting is one of his favorite games
Loves nursery (he calls it nursetreat)
"Holy guacamole" is the funniest thing he says
No more bottles! When we went to St Louis, I left all the bottles home and then threw them out when we got back. He still cries for them sometimes, but he'll be fine.
Loves to color, which he calls "drawing"
Sings to himself when he colors
Runs on chocolate milk- he hardly eats anything and just wants to snack here and there
His favorite songs are Away in a Manager and Jingle Bells
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