climbing on everything
loves water/baths
says water, oompahs(apples), kitty, doggie, daddy, mommy, hot, clock, block, ball, thank thee, uh ooo.
still loves pushing buttons and turning on/off light switches
shakes one arm for no
sits at the table in a booster
forward facing car seat
food grazer, very picky eater
pokes your face (identifies facial features and belly buttons)
jumps (bends knees and stands up quickly)
ring around the rosy
favorite song is Wheels on the Bus
enjoys reading books
wants to have mommy in a 5 foot radius at all times
thinks it's funny to hit with objects and pull hair (especially his sisters)
hugs and snuggles and kisses
sleeps 7:30-7:30 and 1 nap
likes building blocks
folds arm for prayer
moonwalks to sit down in chair or lap- if he wants to sit down he will turn around and walk backwards before sitting down.
He has been making silly faces
He will sit on anyone who is on the ground
Using utensils
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