Length: 28 3/4- 20%
He is teething still and has 8 teeth
Only crawls the normal way now
Eats everything (except chocolate, pb and the few other things you can't eat until you're one)
Loves his walking toy
starting to prefer mommy
likes car and car toys
size 4 diapers
likes to share his food (more like he shoves it in your mouth, but he is trying to share ;) )
Blows raspberries
loves to be upside down
Started giving kisses
Loves to play with his best buddy (himself) in the mirror
Pushes every button he can find
Starting to take steps and has taken up to 5 on his own
Stood up in his crib for the first time
tries to repeat words
He is a little fish. He loves his baths, and any water
He is making silly faces lately
"Helping" to empty the dishwasher
He is such a sweet boy
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