Rolled back to tummy Jan 4th
about 5 1/2 months he stopped crying in the car seat
no more swaddling, we couldn't swaddle him in the hospital and so he got out of the habit
puts everything in mouth, but still doesn't like pacifiers although no one believes me and still try to to stick one in his mouth like I'm lying or something
got out the jumper
blows raspberries
hates tummy time
After the hospital, Twinkle Twinkle wasn't his favorite song anymore. I sang it to comfort him so many times when he got stuck or was getting something done to him that he didn't love it anymore:( Now his favorites are Bushel and a Peck and Old MacDonald.
He is starting to have some interest in books
He wants our cell phones more than his bottle sometimes
He is a social drinker and likes to gurgle his milk. He will fill his mouth, smile and then gurgle several times during each feeding and he is very proud of his trick.
He isn't super ticklish, he usually just squirms, but he will laugh if you tickle his ribs.
He likes to play patty cake and be bounced on your knee
He wants to talk and play with his reflection in the mirror
He likes to eat my hair and pull my hair
His favorite spot is his changing table. Unless he is really hungry, you can always get lots of smiles when he is on his changing table.
He laughs when I make silly faces and make sounds with my mouth
I had to get a bum shot
He is so so sweet. After being stuck 5 times for an IV, he still gave me a smile when I pulled out my phone for a picture. I cried so much that night. I knew in my heart he would be ok, but it still broke my heart seeing him in pain and being poked and prodded. They gave him fluids and wanted to monitor his breathing. None of the respiratory treatments worked so they gave him an oxygen blow by so he always had oxygen right next to him. We came to the hospital right when he needed it. His fever spiked and his coughing got worse and after this smile, there were two days that my little angel didn't smile once. The next day, his IV came out and they had to stick him twice more before they finally got it in his hand and I'm so glad they got it in there because the only other option was his head, which would have been awful. He was already wanting to pull on all the wires all over him.
My mom flew in to help out. The girls weren't allowed at the hospital and stayed with my mother-in-law the whole time. This was the worst day.
But he started getting better and after 4 full days in the hospital, we were able to go home.
Wires and needles all out and ready for departure! So happy.
He is honestly, the sweetest, happiest little boy. He wants to be held all the time, but he rewards you plenty with smiles and kisses and a lot of times, drool:)
I'm so glad I was able to spend the past 2 months out there with you guys, and to see this beautiful little boy get bigger and stronger. Miss you!!
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