It took her almost two hours to eat half of this donut. She started by picking off the sprinkles one by one.
We saw a special video that Minnie Mouse sent to us.
And Nana was here to share the special day; as well as the creme from her donut:)
I wanted to document some of Brooklyn's sweetness and quirks.
*Brooklyn is a real character and has a great personality. She likes to make people laugh and has this monster voice that she uses that is so funny coming from this tiny little thing with dimples. She loves being silly.
*She likes to pretend to sneeze
*Now that she is three, she is finished with speech therapy. She is still a little behind, but not enough to continue to the next program. Some of my favorite things she says are:
-"oh yeah, oh yeah"(like the villain in Despicable Me)
-"don(t) (l)ike it, eww, (y)uck!"
-One day while she was eating and playing with her food, she said (pretending to be the food) "oh no don(t) eat me!" in a silly voice. We all started laughing and she will still do it sometimes.
"afo (afro) cicus (circus)" This is what she call Madagascar 3. She got the movie and wig for Christmas and whenever they sing Afro Circus, she runs to put on her wig.
"slobee(slobbery) kiss"- Whenever anyone kisses her she laughs and says,"eww, slobee kiss), but she always wants more. We play a game where she will wipe away my kiss and I will give her ten more and she will wipe those away to get more kisses, all the while in fits of laughter.
"teas poddy" (tea party). We have them daily.
*She likes to know how people are feeling. She will ask throughout the day "momma mad?", "momma happy?", etc.
*For the past few months she asks why a lot. Sometimes it is all day long and then it will be a few days without any "whys" at all.
*Brooklyn is a streaker! She loves being naked. But when she is wearing clothes it has to be a tutu, fancy dress, or a dress up. I am finally getting a little wiggle room with it, but she would only wear dress up high heels for several months.
*When she wants to wake someone up she will yell "cock a do da do!"
*It didn't take her long to love the bunk bed and sharing a room with Laneah. Some nights they go to sleep really fast and other nights they stay up late. When they stay up late, Brooklyn takes a nap at some point the next day. This girl loves her sleep.
*She is normally very happy. She is quick to laugh and even though she can be stubborn, she is very sweet and likes to share and help other people.
*Brooklyn grinds her teeth, which annoys me to no end; it is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
*One of her favorite games is hide and seek and she is so funny because she thinks if she closes her eyes or covers her eyes that no one can see her. Sometimes she will stumble around with her eyes closed laughing while we "look" for her.
*Brooklyn likes to store things. When she has pockets, she will put her "treasures" there, but when she is wearing her tutu, she just puts them in the top part of her tutu and they just sit next to her belly. I have seen her pull 4 or 5 different objects out of there.
*She is still a sugar junkie. She likes fruit, cheese, yogurt raisins, mac and cheese and candy. Sometimes she likes plain cooked chicken and she usually likes Mexican food. She is just so picky that if it is something new she is usually resistant to try it. It took her 6 months to try mac and cheese and now it is her favorite meal. She also loves milk, plain, strawberry and chocolate.*Her favorite show is Team Umi Zoomi; but sometimes she will watch "Doo Doo Dora".
*She carries around a bobby pin most of the day. It is her "key" as well as a tool that she uses to unlock and fix things.
*She still likes to cuddle and wants attention and affection all throughout the day. I love it. She will say "hold you (me) mommy, hold you" with her arms outstretched.
*Brooklyn is driving me bananas with potty training. I had her panties for a week or so but she refuses to go poop on the potty and I was so sick of cleaning out of her panties that I put her in pull ups. For a while she would only go on her baby potty and also refused to go to any public restrooms or our bathrooms at home (another reason for pull ups). I finally got her used to the big toilets and aside from the automatic flush toilets, she will go pee anywhere. She was going pee on the potty every day, no accidents for over a week and then I stopped the treats. The little stinker started peeing in her pull up! So I started putting her in time out and now she is about 70/30 potty. But even though she knows when she needs to poop (she runs and hides), she won't go. It is so frustrating.
*She loves music and when we are in the car and a song comes on that she likes she will say "loud momma, loud". Translation: turn up the music mom! Her favorite song is this flower song that is in our children's songbook called 'The Leafy Treetops'. It is the second verse of the song; she has me sing it to her all the time.
*I have never seen a more particular child. If something is out of place she is in severe distress. I am not exaggerating.
I love my precious little girl. She makes me so happy and can turn my day right around with her dimpled smile!
Oh our sweet, funny girl! I miss her so much!
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