Monday, October 8, 2012

Ocean City

On September 8 we went to Ocean City with my sister and her husband. We wanted to have one last beach day before it got cold. We didn't stay at the beach to long because the surf was rough and the current was strong so you couldn't swim and it kept raining on and off. We did have about an hour to play though. Laneah didn't want to leave of course. 

Brooklyn thought she was surfing:)

We had a picnic lunch and then headed to the boardwalk. By the time we got there, the sun was shining! (BTW, this was the exact opposite of the forecast. Way to go meteorologist!) 

As soon as Laneah saw the rides that is all she wanted to do. She had me ride the ferris wheel with her, which I do not like the ferris wheel. But I was brave for her so she wouldn't be scared but inside I was shaking. Bring on the rollar coasters but slowly going higher and higher...not so much. 

After we rode rides, Brooklyn wanted some ice cream.

And we had to indulge in Thrashers fries with salt and vinegar. 
It was warm, but really windy so there were tons of kites out. 
We walked around and the girls played in all the play areas. Laneah had seen all the mini golf places on the way in and wanted to go so we drove to one. Brooklyn passed out in the car and so I stayed in the car and read while everyone else played mini golf. 

Laneah loved it. 
We stopped and grabbed Five Guys on the way home, yum. And then we drove back home. I was so tired that as soon as the girls were in bed, I passed out. I don't know if i have ever gone to bed at 9:30 before except for when I have been sick. I didn't do a very good job with pictures this time. I didn't get a picture of our family and I didn't take a picture with my sister. Oops. It was fun though and I am glad we went. 


Heather said...

The kites looked so neat in the background! Your girls have always loved ice cream, and you have always loved Five Guys. :)