Thursday, October 18, 2012

Apple Picking

On September 26, we went to Homestead Farms with our friends Teresa and Maddie. It was a long drive; a little over a hour, but it was worth it. It ended up being unseasonably warm, which was nice. The farm land was beautiful and acres and acres. You wouldn't believe that you were close to so many cities. 
We got bought some animal food and went around visiting and feeding all the farm animals. The pens were loose chicken wire so the animals could stick their heads out and you could easily pet them. 

The calf's name is Elmo and he is so sweet. His little moo sounded like he was saying momma and he ate green beans. 

Brooklyn liked the calf, but she really liked the baby goats.

Laneah picked up this giant squash, which Brooklyn called a "big peanut".

After seeing the animals we washed our hands and got some wheel barrows to pick apples. The girls loved it. 

Brooklyn liked the "baby apples".

Before we left, we went on a hayride. The hayride usually only runs on the weekend but since it was a holiday and school was out, they had it available. The hayride took us to a pumpkin patch. The girls wanted to get pumpkins but we were waiting for their pumpkin patch field trip to get pumpkins.
Brooklyn insisted on wearing her Cinderella slippers. I couldn't resist getting a picture of her shoe on a pumpkin. 
After the hayride we bought our apples and some fresh vegetables. Seriously the best apples and tomatoes I have had in a long time. It was a really fun place to go.