*Brooklyn believes she is a princess. She will not wear anything except for dresses, tutus and princess shoes.
And that includes bed time. She has to have a tutu on and wears her shoes to bed. She will let me take her shoes off once she is in bed and place them on the floor next to her. I kid you not, most mornings the first words out of her mouth are "mommy where shoes?" (Brooklyn getting ready for bed)
Since she only wants to wear tutus to bed I had to invest in some Disney store sleepwear. Our favorite is the tinkerbell one. She kept looking over her shoulder to see her "wings" and kept saying "I fying!" (flying)
*She has become extremely independent. When she gets hurt she wants me to know but doesn't want hugs or kisses anymore:( And she insists on doing everything herself. She used to want me to read to her all the time but now she looks at the books herself and says "I read it!".
*Brooklyn is really good with people's names, part of her social nature I guess. She is still working on getting Laneah's name and her name down. Laneah started off as "Naw", then "Neah" and now sometimes she says "Maneah". She calls herself something like "Buppin":)
*She hates being dirty. If there is a speck of dirt or a crumb on her finger or her outfit she has to get it off. If she spills or makes a mess or even sees a mess she wants it cleaned up right away. But even though she hates being dirty, she hates baths more. She screams and screams the whole time. Weird.
*She is still a papa's girl. She had so much fun with her uncles too.
*Before we left for our trip Brooklyn started showing signs of readiness for potty training but I didn't want to start before Disney so we started when we got home. She started off pretty good but then she just didn't want to sit anymore so I scrapped it. She wakes up with a dry diaper, wants me to change her as soon as she goes and hides when she goes poop. She just doesn't want to use the toilet so I will try again in a couple months. It didn't help that she still wanted to wear her princess dresses while potty training either:)
*She falls asleep really easily in the car so she takes little cat naps when we run errands.
*She knows the basic colors by name and can identify objects that are blue, green and pink.
*Brooklyn had her first hair cut! And should I mention that the hairstylist was Laneah? Yes, Laneah cut Brooklyn's hair. I had some friends over and Laneah wanted to show off her new boots but they were still connected by string so I gave her a pair of scissors to cut them and then my friends had to leave. I walked them to the door and the next thing I know Brooklyn is running up to me screaming "ma (my hair! Ma hair!" I went into the living room and Laneah was frantically stuffing something underneath the couch with one hand with scissors in the other hand and a guilty expression. But wouldn't you know the little stinker still tried to deny it? I reached under the couch and sure enough my baby's beautiful precious locks were under there. Luckily it wasn't a lot and with curly hair you couldn't really tell where it was cut. Thank goodness her hair wasn't in a pony tail that day!
*Brooklyn enjoys nature walks. She walks super slow and takes everything in. One day she discovered a caterpillar and was fascinated for a good 10 minutes. (You can see it crawling on her finger)
*Her favorite show is Team Umi Zoomi, which I love because it is all about math and has her counting all the way to 12. And her new favorite movie is 101 Dalmatians, which she calls "puppy movie" and wants to watch 101 times a day, lol.
*Brooklyn is still a picky eater and pretty much lives off of cheese sticks and fruit.
*She still likes baby dolls and playing with food and having "picnics".
I can't believe how big my little girl is getting! She is such a little dainty and opinionated princess:)
Love all your vacation updates and everything about your girls. The boys saw your Disney pictures and are now begging for a turn to go.
Princess dresses all of the time? Cute, but that has to be inconvenient at times. Like potty training. And it can't be comfortable to sleep in, right? I wondered if you were going to have a hair-cutting experience. It's a nightmare of mine.
Oh our little princess Brooklyn! She is just plain ADORABLE! I love all the pictures. I can't wait to hold her in my arms!
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