The food at the breakfast was ok, but the atmosphere was wonderful. Not only did we see Belle, but Aurora, Snow White, Ariel and Cinderella all came to our table to chat and give hugs. As soon as the girls saw the princesses, they wouldn't eat anymore. Brooklyn kept saying "come back!" as they visited other tables, but finally they came. They also did a couple of parades and all the little girls that were dressed up were able to walk around in the princess parade. Laneah dressed up like Belle, and Brooklyn dressed up like Snow White. I felt bad because her dress was so worn, but it is her favorite dress up. After the breakfast we had clothes for the girls to change into, but Brooklyn refused to take the dress off. It got completely destroyed by the end of the day, so I ended up buying her a new one at the end of the trip. Laneah talked and talked and talked some more with all of the princesses.
Cinderella showed Brooklyn her shoes because Brooklyn was wearing her Cinderella dress up shoes.
Snow White was so pleased to see Brooklyn dressed up like her. It is funny because Cinderella is Brooklyn's favorite movie by far, but Snow White and Snow White's dress is her favorite princess and costume for some reason. Brooklyn was in total awe with her. She kept talking about Snow White all day.
Laneah was most excited to see Ariel. After telling Ariel that she was her favorite, Ariel asked what her favorite part of the movie was. Laneah got stuck so I asked if she liked Scuttle. Laneah said Scuttle was her favorite part and Ariel jokingly asked if Laneah liked Scuttles singing and then said he was taking voice lessons. Somehow it came up that Laneah could sing Ariel's song and Ariel asked if she would sing it for her. Laneah sang Part of Your World and Ariel clapped and gave her a big hug. She loved Laneah and Brooklyn and spent so much time with them that one of the workers had to come get her for another engagement.
All the princesses were great and really nice. The breakfast was by far the best thing we chose to do at Disney and it was so nice to do it first thing.
I'm so happy that turned out so great! I love the pictures!
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