*She loves brushing her teeth. She would gnaw on a toothbrush all day if she could. But surprisingly she also likes when Jason or I brush her teeth. We make a game of it and she laughs and laughs. Such a good little girl.
*Her vocabulary is growing. She is very vocal so even when she isn't saying actual words, she is talking. Her newest are "Num, num"(when she is eating), "eggs", "no", "shh" (with her finger to her lips) and uh huh" (instead of yes). She calls balloons, balls and books all "bahs". She can also blow kisses now.
*She still loves to play in her crib and when we get her out of the crib she needs all the blankets and lovies to come out with her.
*Brooklyn is the only child that I know who likes Altoids. She gets them out of my purse and eats them like candy.
*She likes to entertain and make people laugh.
*Getting into mommy's purse is a favorite activity. Second favorite is the utensil drawer in the kitchen.
*She has developed a love of books. She will bring me book after book to read to her. It is great; I am excited that she has a passion for books since I do too. Her favorite book is Chugga Chugga Choo Choo.
*She can blow her nose now which is cute and also useful when she has a cold.
*Brooklyn is still a picky eater. She likes to graze on food instead of eating meals. But here is eating one of her favorites: Southwest Chicken Wraps. She eats the entire wrap, which is huge for her since I have a hard time getting her to eat more than two meals a day.
*She has been helping me pick out her clothes for a while, but this time she insisted on wearing this shirt with her tutu and so thats what she wore that day.
*Brooklyn loves to cuddle up on the couch with blankie and watch a show. Her favorite cartoon is Sesame Street and her favorite movie is Tangled.
*She still is a big fan of her blankies so watch out if you pick one up and try to put it away:)
* Both the girls love looking at pictures and videos of themselves.
*She has to have food in her hand, even if she is not eating it.
*Brooklyn is such a happy and easy going toddler. She has her moments of course(like when she doesn't get candy), but overall she is a little sweet heart.
I LOVE her too! she is so adorable :)
Altoids? That's a strong flavor for a little peanut! I'm loving her hair in the pigtails and little Pebbles ponytail. Her curls are so cute! And you dress her adorably, of course.
She gets more beautiful with each day! What great pictures. I love her so much and I can't wait to hold her in my arms again!
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