Laneah is all about Tangled. She carries around her little toy frying pan, can quote most of the movie and sing the songs. My mom bought her a set with Rapunzel, Flyn, and Maximus that she loves. We play with them everyday. She is always Rapunzel and she makes me be Flyn. When daddy plays, he is Maximus. I bought her this little kit with purple nail polish, some lip gloss and this blonde hair piece. She loves putting on the hair piece. (She is also showing her purple nail polish in this picture)
Her allergies have been horrible this spring. I have to give her medicine every night or she can't sleep.
The Attitude. Yes, a capital A, although it might as well be in all caps. I can only hope that she gets it out of her system now and then she will be an easy teenager. Hey, I can dream right?
She still loves being outside and thinks she is all grown up and can just leave as she pleases. I have to bolt the door to keep her inside or she will just open the door and go play or go to our neighbor's house. Seriously, the other morning I am still sleeping and I hear the front door open and Laneah say "bye mom". I am glad she said something. Now Jason has to leave out the back door so the front door can stay bolted in the morning. It is very unnerving.
Speaking of neighbors, she plays with them almost everyday. Pretty much the first thing I hear in the morning is, "I want to see MiaEzra" It is funny because she just says their names together like they are one person. The girls have lots of fun together.
Laneah is so excited for preschool. Whenever we pass any school she yells "my school!" and sometimes she randomly says "I'm going to school tonight".
Laneah and her friends play a mother/daughter/big sister game. One of them each plays a role. Sometimes when they are playing I will hear "mom" and I will say "what" and she will say "not you, we just playing". When Mia and Ezra aren't over, she will play the game with me and Brooklyn. Brooklyn is the baby, Laneah is the mommy, and I am the big sister.
She is doing a lot of pretend games. She likes to pretend she is a puppy or kitty. She also pretends to go places she likes. Most often the places are school, Sea World, Disney Land and Chuck E Cheese.
She is insatiably curious. She asks questions constantly and we also hear lots of "whys?". She is very smart and learns quickly if it is something she wants to learn.
Laneah is extremely impulsive. She doesn't think before she does things.
She loves being silly, making faces and trying to make people laugh.
Whenever I tell her it is time to clean up I hear "I'm tired" in the most whiny voice you can imagine. She will do anything to get out of cleaning and time outs, threats and taking away toys just doesn't motivate her enough. After a hour of frustration(on my part), she might pick up a few things. And she is so messy. She can destroy a room in seconds, and I am not exaggerating. But I just bought a Responsibility Chart so I am hoping that helps with the cleaning issue and a lot of other issues.
She wants to go to the beach again so badly. She talks about the beaches in Hawaii all the time. We will have to make some beach trips this summer, although I am not anxious to revisit Ocean City again after last year's excursion.
She has a great vocabulary for her age and pronounces most things correctly but some of her cute mispronunciations include Old Maybe (Old Navy), hanatizer (hand sanitizer), giant potato (giant tornado), Brooklyn Bicole (Brooklyn Nicole), and giraffeses (giraffes).
Laneah is a beautiful and strong willed little girl. She keeps us busy and entertained, we love our princess.
FUN! FUN! FUN! That is our Laneah! I miss her so MUCH! She is such an amazing girl! I love her so much!!
She is such a cutie. It is all about Tangled isn't it? K is the same way! I love it. :)
Boy she is Tangled obsessed, isn't she? At least it's a cute movie, right? And yes, I fully believe that strong-willed children will be easy teenagers. (I have to tell myself that with Caden...) Stubborn and all, she is beautiful.
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