Food: fresh bananas
Snack: arrowroot cookies
Book: Baby's First Peek-a-boo
Toy: Kai-Lan Super friend doll
I just think this picture is so cute. I looked over and saw she had one of Laneah's purses strung over her shoulder.
*Brooklyn is very musical. She can already keep a beat and loves to dance and sing. Laneah has a toy microphone and Brooklyn picks it up all the time and "sings". At church whenever we sing hymns, she stands on my lap and copies the conductor and sings along too. It is the sweetest thing.
Her newest dance move is bouncing on her knees. She still just has her two bottom teeth, but her upper gums are very swollen, so I think she will have more by her birthday.
Brooklyn is such a sweet little thing. She is still very small for her age, although she is still growing and healthy. She is still in 6-9 month clothes, but can fit into a few 9-12 month things. Even though she is small, she loves to eat. She prefers to feed herself, but that is a messy business. I give her lots of finger foods to eat in addition to her normal feedings which she likes. She loves eating puffs, fresh bananas and arrow root cookies. She has started pulling off her bib. I put it on, and she takes it off. Little stinker:) She also holds her own bottles and sippy cups most of the time.
Brooklyn loves to make people laugh. When she does something that makes someone happy or laugh, she is so pleased. The other day I was giving her a bath and she leaned all the way forward. I am not sure if it was to look at her reflection or a toy in the water, but she leaned over enough that she put her face in. She sat up really fast and looked at me with the funniest expression. I laughed and then she started laughing and she did it again and sat up and laughed. She did it over and over until we were done with bath time.
She is such and easy going, happy baby. She just oozes sweetness and I literally can't get enough of her.
Brooklyn is into everything. I am contemplating putting a gate up in the living room like we had with Laneah. She doesn't stay in one room very long. She wants to explore and explore some more. Pots and pans, bathrooms, anything and everything. She is really into unrolling the toilet paper.
Brooklyn likes making different facial expressions. She winks with both of her eyes and then I will do the same. We do that back and forth and she just cracks up. This is another one of her favorite expressions to make.
I can't believe that this her last month of official baby hood! She is going to be a toddler and it happened too fast. We are so lucky to have this little angel in our family.
It doesn't seem real to me that she's almost a year old. The two little rabbit teeth are just adorable.
She is just ADORABLE!I MISS HER SO MUCH!I'm so very thankful for her!It's hard to believe she is almost a year old. Kiss her and her big sister too. I love you all!
i love the video of brooklyn and laneah dancing! it's a classic. :)
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