Color: Pink
Movie: Beauty and the Beast
T.V. Show: Kai Lan
Song: Farmer in the Dell
Books: Dors's Halloween Adventure; Halloween Jack
Snack: Goldfish; pudding cup
*She calls paper money "tickets"
*She calls Rice Crispy Treats "Rice Christmas Treats"
*Whenever anyone says me too, she always yells "me three"!
* Such a dramatic child. Liking something isn't enough for this diva, now its "I love it"
*She has learned that when she says it was an accident she doesn't really get in trouble so now any time she does something she isn't supposed to, she says "mommy, its an accident"
*One time this month she was giving me a hard time about brushing her teeth so I told her that if she didn't brush her teeth, she would get cavities and it would hurt. The next day she said "mommy, I no feel good". I asked her where she hurt and she pointed to her mouth and said very seriously "I got cabadees" (cavities).
*Somehow she switched the words can and don't. So instead of saying I don't like it, she says "I can like it" or "I can do it" in a negative tone. She is really meaning can't, but for some reason says can.
*She is starting to emphasize "my". So now she talks about "my mom, or my dad, or my baby sister"
* Whenever I tell her that something she wants, like a toy, isn't hers, she says "I choose it", like that will automatically make it her toy. Brooklyn's toys are 99% Laneah's old toys that she didn't play with anymore but are now the coolest toys on the planet because someone else finds them amusing:)
*This is a really fun age for holidays and I am looking forward to the season. She is all about Halloween right now. She wants to wear her costume and Halloween shirt all the time. I bought her a couple of Halloween books and that was money well spent because we read them several times a day. But her new favorite phrase is "it's spooky"! She loves it and wants everything to be spooky.What else cracks me up is that she gets really confused about mummies. There are mummies in both of her Halloween books and she always says "mommy, it's you"! lol
New and Current Things:
*She loves to have "picnics". We spread a blanket on the floor and either eat real food or pretend food.
*Laneah is FINALLY potty trained!!!!! I can't believe it, I am so happy.
*She loved to hide in the "jungle" with daddy. They either hide from pirates or snakes. Usually her stuffed animals are pirates and Brooklyn is the snake because she scoots on her belly and even makes a "sss" sound all the time:)
* She thinks it is hilarious to annoy me. She will poke me incessantly, or repeatedly to lick me and cracks up when I tell her to stop.
* She has started making up songs and I love it. It is so cute.
*This little girl was born to shop. She always wants to go to the mall or Target or even the grocery store.
*She loves to play games, especially when they involve being thrown in the air or something similar.One of her favorites is when Jason has her stand on his hands and she locks her knees and he pushes her up in the air.

*She has started to be really clingy with me again, always wanting me to hold her or sit with her.
*Two words: Temper Tantrums. They are intense.
*She loves to cook, for pretend in her kitchen and for real
*She is still a totally girly girl. She always wants her nails painted, to be dressed up and to have lots and lots of accessories.
*Laneah has actually become somewhat of a home body. A lot of times when we are getting ready to go she will tell me "no, I stay here". I guess that is good, because winter is fast approaching.
I can't believe she is almost three. She is such a stinker and boy does she know how to push my buttons, but she is mine and I love her fiercely. And isn't she so beautiful? Oh, and did I mention she was a stinker? :)
She is BEAUTIFUL! I think she also has a tender heart. She wants so much to make everyone happy.UNLESS she is not happy and then she just wants everyone to make her happy.Ha ha I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! She is such a smart, sweet,princess. I am so THANKFUL that she is my grand-daughter!I will love her with all my heart forever!
Love love love the updates! Such a cute little girl.
i love the "rice christmas treats" and the part of about the mummies in her book. one more month till i get to see you guys!!
We need to hear more about the tantrums. Oh those are fun times... I can't believe how long her hair is getting! She's gorgeous, and I love her personality. Congrats on potty training! That's a big deal--for mommy and the child!
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