Our little Brooklyn is now 9 months old.
Weight: 16 lbs, 1 oz- 10th percentile
Length: 27 3/4 inches- 60th percentile
She has changed so much this past month and reached a lot of milestones as well.
On 9/23 she learned to clap. She was eating and she was so excited for her food that she started clapping. Here is a short little clip of her showing off her new skill. She also claps with her feet and I have a little clip of that too.
Last month, I posted how she didn't really care for solid food and preferred her bottle. Well, she did a complete 180. Now she only wants solid food and could care less about her bottle. It is a struggle to get her to eat two bottles a day, but she eats about 6 jars of solids a day. She will eat anything but chicken (or anything mixed with chicken) or oatmeal, even if it is mixed with fruit. She wants to hold the spoon and I made the mistake of letting her one time and this is the result. At first she was mad because she wanted the spoon, but then when I gave her the spoon, she was mad because she was hungry and couldn't really feed herself. But I won a few smiles anyway.
Toys rule supreme. Who needs mommy and daddy when there are so many toys about? She loves playing, exploring and putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. She gets so mad when we take something away that she can't put in her mouth.
She wants on the ground all the time, even if she is hungry. She will play and then scoot over and fuss for a drink from her bottle and then goes right back to her toys.
Brooklyn can crawl a little. She gets frustrated after about 5-6 crawls and then goes back to her belly scoot because that gets her where she wants to go much faster.
I think this is so funny. Brooklyn pushes up on her toes and hands with her but in the air and just holds the position. She does it all the time, and sometimes she tries to move and it is hilarious.
On 10/4 she learned to put herself into a sitting position from her belly.
Brooklyn is showing off her temper now. I am not sure if it is learned, or if it is because she is teething, or the age, but it is fierce. If she doesn't get what she wants as soon as she wants it she cries. She threw her first temper tantrum this month too. She was in my room and was making her way to the bathroom, which I hadn't yet scoped for small items she might choke on so I shut the door so she couldn't get in. She scooted up to the door and when she realized she couldn't get in, she threw her first major tantrum. She started screaming and banging her hands on the door and her feet on the ground. It was pretty funny, but it is usually only cute the first time. She is also now in the phase where she hates being on her back, which makes changing her diaper a nightmare.
Brooklyn is a very good self soother, usually she sucks her thumb or finds something to calm herself. She loves the 'Ocean Wonders Aquarium' in her crib and as soon as we put her in her crib, no matter how tired she is, she will scoot over the the aquarium and turn it on and then listen to it until she falls asleep. It is really cute.
She loves being thrown and tossed around. I think she is going to love carnivals and amusement parks as much as Laneah does.
Brooklyn is such a little princess. I am sad that she is growing so fast, but happy that she is healthy and is very much loved.
I miss little Brooklyn so much! I love her cute orange tutu! I'm so happy we will get to spend time together before Christy's wedding!It's good that I'm so busy right now because, I sure miss my grand-babies! Thank you for doing this blog!
Oh I just love her! The move of pushing herself up with her bum in the air is priceless. Uh oh about the tantrums--that might not be fun with two of them in that phase. :) Thankfully it's always just a phase, right? Right. Did I read your mama's comment correctly--Christy's getting married??? Yea! Please give her our love. Love you!
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