My little girl is getting so big. She talks non stop and can and will repeat anything anyone says.She is still a social butterfly and always wants to be around other people, going out and doing things. She also loves animals so we have gone to lots of petting farms this summer and gone on pony rides, and gone for walks to see all the puppies being walked by their owners. She loves to run, be outside, and play and watch sports. I have jotted down a few of my favorite and not so favorite things about Laneah this month:
*Whenever Laneah hears a loud noise or a noise that is sudden she asks "what's that noisy?"
* When she is being goofy or someone else is being goofy she will say "silly billy"
* I thought that as she got closer to three, that her tantrums would not be as intense, however, they are more intense than ever. If she doesn't get her way, she screams, and I am pretty sure her goal is to pierce your eardrums. I get a lot of headaches, lol. But she is also throwing things and just throwing a lot more tantrums overall. When she gets really upset, she throws things, crosses her arms and yells "That's it!"
*She has learned her left and right. We started with teaching her left foot, right hand, etc. and then moved on to directions. When I am driving I will say, " I am turning left" to help her learn left and right sides better and to help her gain a good sense of direction.
*She is still refusing official naps, but needs them. She is really cranky in the afternoon and sometimes just passes out around 5 which is not helpful.
*She loves to say "Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My!" and puts her hands to her checks dramatically.
*Laneah thinks Oscar the Grouch is Oscar the Ouch and when she sees him she tells me that he needs a band aid.
*She loves to dance and be a ballerina so I am hoping she really gets into dance class more.
*She can count from 1-30
*She has a very short attention span and only plays with one things for a few moments before moving on.
*Laneah has been turning the "r" sound to a "w" sound. Ex- instead of "green", its "gween"
* She still loves the Disney Princesses and we read their stories everyday.
I love being a mom and I am so grateful for my beautiful girls. Laneah is so sweet and tells me all the time she loves me, and gives me big hugs and kisses. I am so lucky.
I love you Rachel, Thank you for this wonderful blog! Thank you also to you and Jason for being Amazing parents to Laneah and Brooklyn! Laneah is such a remarkable, sweet, happy little girl!! She holds my heart in her hands. I know she and I are special soulmates.She is not only a special gift to you but to me also! I love discovering the world again through her eyes!Give lots of hugs and kisses to her, and of course to our beautiful Brooklyn too!! I Love you all!
She is so cute! What a blessing...
Enjoy the princess phase--Isabella blew through it. I wish that you lived closer--you could inherit about 10 totes of the stuff! :) Her tantrums sound so dramatic. I bet you end up laughing half of the time. She's such a sweetheart. And you know that she'll never take crap from anyone!
i love the oscar the ouch part! so funny!
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