*For some reason Laneah love magazines. She gets really excited when we get them in the mail and looks through them all the time. She calls them "magamamines"
*Laneah can be a little bossy (ok that is the understatement of the year) and when she wants some one she will yell "(person's name) cum ear!" (come here)
*She is loving ham right now. She asks for ham all the time, even for breakfast. One day she just combined ham and sandwich and when I asked her what she wanted to eat she said "hamich". She hasn't stopped calling it that and I think it is so cute.
*She tells us "I loves you"
*Everything she eats or drinks right now is "delicious". It is really cute and funny to hear that word coming from a little toddler.
*When she has a good time she likes to say "fun ___ (nap, music makers, Anthony" She doesn't say at or with, just fun followed by who or what she had fun with/doing.
* She is always anxious to get out of the house, and asks multiple times "budy ready?" everybody ready?
*When Laneah doesn't want something or doesn't want to do something she says "no wan".
* She wants to do everything "gether". together
*When Laneah likes something, or even when she doesn't likes something she says "like it". You can tell whether she really likes it or not by her facial expression
*Laneah's favorite movie right now is "Princess and the Frog". We watch it about 4-5 times a week. One day when we were driving I heard her say "kiss, kiss" and I looked back and she was pointing to a picture of a frog in the book she was reading in. Then she smiled at me and said "kiss frog". As long as she doesn't kiss any real frogs, lol.
*She loves to be the center of attention, so we have been hearing a lot of "Look at me!" lately.
*"Stay here"
*Laneah is also starting to use pronouns really well.
Laneah's Interests
*Laneah hates being in the house so I try to take her out and do lots of fun stuff. Even with that, she still gets stir crazy. If she could, she would live outdoors.
*Getting things off counter. Laneah uses chairs and her stool at her disposal to get things that she wants off the counter. This was a NEW pan of brownies that she got into. I found her in the kitchen with the pan of brownies on the ground, her face covered in chocolate, lol.
*Apparently our love of beaches has rubbed off on her. Even though she hasn't been to a beach in almost a year, she pretends that she is at the beach all the time. She will lay down on the ground (outside, inside, wherever) and say " beach mommy".
*She loves being silly and making people laugh. She got matching novelty sunglasses for us for my birthday.
Potty training round two
Laneah was completely potty trained, in panties and everything and then after Brooklyn came home, she had a complete relapse. She wouldn't sit on the potty, was having multiple accidents and we were so frustrated, especially me because I had to clean up the mess. So we started over and put her in pull-ups and went back to rewards. We made a new sticker chart and got this cute princess and the potty book that came with her own crown
It took a while, but now she is ready for panties again. She hasn't had an accident in three days, including nighttime! Way to go Laneah.
Be Your Own Cheerleader
Go team Neah! This is what Laneah says all the time. One of Laneah's potty presents were these princess pom poms and she loves to cheer for herself. She also takes her pom poms to her cousin's games and cheers for them too.
All things girly
Laneah loves being outside and playing sports, but she is also very girly. She loves painting her nails, wearing jewelry and dressing up.
The other day she was painting with water colors and she came in the living room and said "look mommy, make-up!" She had painted her face pretending it was make up.
Big Sister
Laneah loves her little sister. She likes to play with her and love her. Lately when she holds her she sings to her and rocks her. She is a great big sister.
Laneah is such a fun, ornery and active toddler. We are so happy she is our little girl.
i love that i had the chance to be around laneah recently to hear say so much of these phrases. she is so adorable! i especially love the video of her rocking brooklyn. i can't wait to see you guys soon!
Laneah is getting so big! I can hardly wait to see her.If I'm having a hard day, all I have to do is think of Laneah and her bright shiny eyes and beautiful smile! It will be so great to talk with her in person, skipe and the phone just aren't the same. I love you guys!
It must be a little girl thing! LOL. Because Kyla loves doing the same things. She never leaves the house without her purse and sunglasses. She is all about pretty toes, fingers and sparkle clothing. Gotta love em' girls! Thanks for sharing. Laneah is such a movie star.
She reminds me so much of Isabella at that age. And the brownie pan trick cracks me up. I still do that! I'm jealous that she can rock a bikini like that :) Those days are LONG over for me :)
I can't wait to see you guys! Laneah just cracks me up. She is so fun!
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