"I want ____" It started with just "I want" and pointing, but now she will say or show you what she wants
Wants to eat everything in a bowl
Calls herself "Neah" or "Naneah"
Loves to watch videos of cats and dogs on youtube. She also likes to look at our blog and other peoples blogs who post pics and videos of their kids
"comere" come here
Wants to know what belongs to who: "Mommy's drink?", "Is it the baby's?", "daddy's shoes?"
Always taking her clothes off. I don't know what I am going to do when she can't fit in her onsies anymore.
Jumping off of anything high. She especially loves jumping off the couch.
She saw my painted toenails and wanted me to paint her fingernails and toenails.
She uses her tea party set she got for Christmas all the time. She pronounces it "tea potty".
"Is it fun?" or "It's fun!"
Can recognize and say all capital letters of the alphabet, although sometimes she confuses y with v, and z with 2
"Rella" Cinderella- All princess and faerie related items are referred to as "rella"
"poo" shampoo
Wants to say her own prayers.
She loves to sing along and has fun singing in her toy microphone
When you tell Laneah "I love you", she rewards you with a big smile and says "thank you!"
Still calling us Jason and Rachel all the time! It is so funny but so not funny at the same time. I try to only respond when she calls me mommy.
She is still a great eater. She will eat almost anything. Cheese is still her most requested food/snack.
She loves stuffed animals and has to have a specific blanket and stuffed animal.
i think it's hilarious that she call you and jason by your names. i just laugh when i can hear her calling "rachel!" or "jason!" in the background when i'm on the phone with you.
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