These are my two best friends here. Aren't they beautiful? I just love them to pieces and I am so grateful for their friendship. Jessica (the blonde) lives two houses down from me, which is so fun. And Kami lives just a couple blocks down from us. We love hanging out together. New Years Eve 2006! Jason grew up in this town and so did Kami's husband Derrick. Jason and Derrick were friends growing up, but went to different colleges. Derrick met Jeremy, Jessica's husband at school and became good friends. Derrick and Kami moved here about a year after Jason and I did (thankfully) and then Jessica and Jeremy followed. Since Jason knew Derrick and Derrick knew Jeremy, it was inevtiable that we all became friends...that and the fact that we are all awesome....or maybe we are all dorks, I don't know, we just have fun:)
This picture was taken a little over 2 YEARS AGO!! At my baby shower. The pretty lady on the left is Kandice. She hung out with us too, but sadly moved away about a year ago. We miss you Kandice! Thanksgiving last year. Look how little Laneah looks! And we all were in our dark hair phase New Moon madness! We saw New Moon together (and Twilight too) Love the series. Our other friend pictured here is Teresa. We love her too! It was fun having her come with us.
At dinner before the movie. We go to movies together that our husband's won't see with us, like Harry Potter, Twilight, and chick flicks like The Proposal. Love this candid photo of us. We were laughing at something, not sure what. We were at Kami's sister-in-law's baby shower. We went shopping for Kami's birthday to help her pick out clothes. We went to lunch and then Filene's Basement in Baltimore to shop. It was so much fun. This picture was in the dressing room.
These girls are so much fun. They are always there for me. We have tons in common, like shopping, scrapbooking, love of reading. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. Love these girls!!!!
You are so cute, Rach! I this post. I love living by you and Jess. I hope we all live by each other forever :) Maybe we'll be tied together when Dal and Neah get married! Love you lots girl!
Jason and I met at college in Hawaii. We were married in 2004 and moved to Maryland. We have two beautiful daughters and a son through adoption and live life to fullest.
Cute pictures! I miss hanging out too!
I'm so happy you have such great and beautiful friends!
Of course I have to buy a home here! I couldn't imagine leaving my best buds! This was an awesome post. Thanks Rachel, I love you tons :o)
You are so cute, Rach! I this post. I love living by you and Jess. I hope we all live by each other forever :) Maybe we'll be tied together when Dal and Neah get married! Love you lots girl!
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