Sunday, June 14, 2015

Plumpton Park Zoo

The last day of spring break was gorgeous weather. We decided to use the groupon we had purchased for the Plumpton Park Zoo. It was a little over an hour drive so Kathy watched Sawyer so Jason and I could spend some time with the girls. There was a line to get in and the girls kept asking me to take their picture. 

We finally made in and went around to see the animals. We bought some animal food so we could feed the animals that we were allowed to feed. The zoo was smaller, but had a good variety of animals. It was also pretty interactive, which the girls loved.

The peacocks roamed free all around the zoo.

Laneah brought her binoculars. 

After we finished seeing all the animals, we got some snacks and played at the play ground. 

 We had a great time and I know the girls enjoyed having special time with us as well.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Spring Festival

The spring festival was the day before Easter this year. We lucked out in that it didn't rain, but there was a wind advisory and with the wind, it was really cold. I was glad that we wore coats, but we were still chilly. I took the girls to the festival while Jason took Sawyer to the doctor's office. He was wheezing really bad at that point and did not need to be out in that wind. 

We rode the ponies first.

Then played some games. 

Brooklyn is great at games. She won at a bean bag tic-tac-toe and got a huge Cinderella basket. 
Laneah gearing up for her egg hunt. This is serious stuff! lol

After Laneah's hunt was over we saw a magic show. 
And then it was Brooklyn's age group for the egg hunt. 

We met up with several friends while we there and these BFFs were glued at the hip. 
Jason called while we were there and said the doctor wanted Sawyer to go to the ER so Jason and his mom took him to the hospital and I took the girls home. Luckily, he was released in the evening, but they said to really watch him. The doctor at the hospital said he was borderline so to bring him back in if he got even the slightest bit worse and even said that Sawyer could be admitted at the time if we wanted. He did get a little worse Sunday night and we almost took him back in, but Jason and a friend gave him a blessing and he was so exhausted we decided to let him sleep and see how he did through the night. That ended up being the worst of it, and he gradually got better from that point on thank goodness. The girls had a good time at the festival and were glad that their baby brother was able to come home from the hospital.

Easter Weekend

Our Easter bunny comes the Saturday before Easter so Sunday we can focus on the true meaning of Easter. We had a lot of family time and discussion about Easter and what it means with Jesus being resurrected in the few weeks leading up to Easter.

The kids Easter baskets:
They got a little chocolate, a few crafts and some outdoor toys like chalk, games and Sawyer even got a bubble machine. 

After the girls dug into their baskets, they started the egg hunt which didn't last long before Laneah got upset because Brooklyn found more eggs. She threw her basket and eggs and candy and prizes went everywhere. It was a bit of a rough morning, but we found our groove. 

My sweet, poor sick baby. Ended up in the hospital again over Easter weekend and almost admitted again. The only reason he didn't have to stay was that he didn't have pneumonia this time. 
Still lots of smiles for his first Easter though. 
On Easter we watched conference and then had dinner and egg hunt with Jason's family.

I love conference and I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who loves us so much that he created a plan to help us be happy and to live with him. I am grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves us enough that he suffered beyond my comprehension to ensure that we could, through his atonement, be perfected and resurrected. I know my Redeemer lives.