Sunday, July 20, 2014

Brooklyn at 4 1/2

Brooklyn Nicole at 4 1/2:

My little princess is still all girly girl. 

She loves to ride her bike and is fast. She also loves to run and calls herself a cheetah. No joke she can beat Laneah and even the older boys in our court in a race. We have a little track star on our hands. 
Brooklyn is a good helper and she especially enjoys helping me when I cook or bake. 
Fancy Nancy still rules supreme in our house. Brooklyn even dresses up like her. 
She likes to be a mommy and pushes her babies in the stroller sometimes when we go for walks. 
She loves to pick "ba kays" (Bouquets)
Brooklyn loves to make people laugh. She is very quirky and most of the time its funny, sometimes weird, haha. She likes talk in a deep man voice when she is pretending to be a boy and it gives me stitches. Once Laneah had Brooklyn pretend to be her boyfriend and christened her/him John. Brooklyn, er, John, talked in this man voice and played along and it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. 
She still likes to dress up and collect things in baskets, purses, even butterfly nets. 

I absolutely adore holding hands with my littles. 
Brooklyn said to me one day, "mom I can count in Spanish! "Uno, dos, tres, crackers!"

She changes a lot of words to begin with b. For example, "bassert" instead of dessert.

This sneaky girl is always hiding treats. 

Making wishes. 

Brooklyn always wants me to take her picture with statues and mannequins.  
Her first family picture. Don't we all look good? Spot on. 
Brooklyn is into ponies and princesses. But her favorite thing to play is pirates. She liked playing pirates before the new Tinkerbell pirate fairy movie, but now she plays all the time. She makes treasure maps and spy glasses, hunts for treasure, sword fights and all those great things pirates do. But the best is the lingo. She will say things like "avast ye swabs!" and "ahoy maties". Cutest pirate ever. 

Brooklyn is in ballet, tap and tumbling class. It is just her and twin girls in the class because it is during the day and so sweet. She loves dancing. 

Brooklyn is so sweet and cuddly. We love her so much. 

Monday, July 7, 2014


May is the best month! Spring is everywhere, flowers bloom and not to mention, it's my birthday, mother's day and my wedding anniversary! All of that keeps us very busy in May. 
 So aside from the day to day, here are a few stand out activities in May.

Laneah had her school fun fair. Jason had to work so I took the girls myself. We came straight from a birthday party so it was a little wild but they were able to burn off most of the sugar by running around and playing games. The girls finally convinced me to get their hair sprayed. 
 Laneah's "rainbow" hair. 
 We had a good time and the girls burned through all their tickets quickly. Jason met me up there so I could do my volunteer shift at the snow cone stand and soon my hands and arms matched Laneah's hair:) 
 That same day, my best girl friends picked me up and we went to my favorite restaurant, Bravo. It is 1 1/2 hours away, but we love all the extra time we have to talk. We had so much fun. I love these ladies!! 
 On my actual birthday, my friend Kami had me over for lunch and made me this delicious pina coloda cake. Seriously amazing. Yum. 
 We went to Five Guys for dinner because it is fast and oh so good. 
 May finally brought some warmer weather and we were able to get out the sprinkler. 

 Mother's day was sweet. I love my girls and I am so grateful to their birth mothers always, but especially on Mother's day. Laneah made me this adorable pot holder at school. 

 And the girls made these in primary at church. The first is Laneahs and the second is Brooklyns. 

 I got my little front garden all set up. 
 We went with my mother-in-law, Kathy to the Hawaiian Festival in DC. 
 Brooklyn practicing her hula. 
 There were lots of kid stations. The girls stamped some bookmarks. 
 And made lei bracelets. The plumerias and orchids were fresh and smelled so good. A thousand memories flooded my mind just smelling those sweet flowers. 

 At one of the stations, they taught the kids how to use the instruments primarily used in the hula dancing. 
 We also learned about the American Indians and their instruments as well. 
 Then we watched some dancing before we had to leave. 
 The following week we went to Disney World (a crazy amount of posts on that to follow hopefully soon). 

Jason and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary by going to the temple like we always do and then getting dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I don't know why I didn't get any pictures, but our big celebration was the cruise and I got lots of pictures from that so it's fine. I'm so lucky and blessed to have this good man for my husband and I love him very much. 

And the last thing I wanted to share was picking strawberries. This time was so much better than last year. I was going to go by myself since the girls didn't like it last year, but time didn't allow that so we went while Laneah was in school with some friends. The weather was perfect; cool and mid 70s and we picked a lot of strawberries. I made lots of jam but as of now (July), it's almost gone. 

May was great and like all the nice weather months, it went by too fast.