Saturday, March 23, 2013


Oh February, my least favorite month! Summer is calling my name but it is so cold outside still. This short month always drags on. We stayed busy as usual and since I have not been great at blogging I will have to do a recap again (sorry) of the highlights. 

My favorite event in February was attending the Fire Ball. It is a charity ball and Jason was given the tickets ($175 a piece!) by a sub contracter at work.  It was great to have a reason to dress up. I wasn't sure what to expect so I was a little nervous, but it was really fun. 

Laneah did not want me to go. She is always worried about what she is missing out on. 
My sister-in -law did my hair for me. 
 My phone didn't take great pictures, but I took a few anyway. The ball was at the Garrett-Jacobs mansion in Baltimore. It is a historical mansion and it is beautiful. I loved looking around. They had masks at the door that people could wear and each room had different food. They had a live band in the ballroom singing Jason's favorites (Bon Jovi, U2, etc). 

 We stayed in the dessert room the longest:) Yummy.
They even had a photo booth and printed off and emailed you the photos. It was a really fun night and I hope we get to go again next year. 
 One day we went on a play date to Silver Star. Brooklyn was so happy to finally be able to play since she has to wait out once a week while Laneah has gymnastics class. 

 Laneah took my phone under the parachute and took funny pictures of herself with her hair sticking up. 

 We went to a couple of birthday parties. One was a Valentine's themed party for our friend Avonlea. 

 The other was for Brooklyn's friend Cullen. He had a "cullen-ary" party (cute pun!) The kids made their own pizza and fruit kabobs. 

I have to capture the few sweet moments between sisters. 
Since it has been so cold outside we have been building forts a lot to read books and watch movies in. 

 Yay for February. And now bring on Spring please! 

Brooklyn at 3 years, 2 months

Brooklyn had her 3 year old check up in February and is very healthy. She weighs 28 lbs (25%), and is 37" tall (50%).

*She loves to collect money and for some reason thinks everything costs eighteen dollars.

*My favorite thing she says is "ove ewe too mama" (love you too mama)

*Her hair is has gotten so long and is beautiful with perfect ringlets. 

*She picks at food or refuses to eat, but then gets really grumpy because her blood sugar is low. Her favorite thing to eat is cereal, and she asks for it every meal, but I only let her have it for breakfast to her despair. 

*Brooklyn still likes to cuddle and is very lovey with me. She is attached to my hip and can't be close enough to me most of the time. I love it! It's probably one of the reasons I haven't had baby fever yet. She even says to me "mama, I baby" or "I liddle (little)".

*Her favorite song is the second verse of a church song called "In the Leafy Tree Tops". I call it the "flower song" and Brooklyn and Laneah have me sing it to them every night while the sway and pretend to be flowers. 

*These are some of the outtakes from the photo shoot that I liked but wasn't able to get. She had so much fun.

*She likes to pretend to be a zombie and pretends to eat us. She learned this from Laneah and full disclosure, after watching The Walking Dead, it kinda freaks me out. lol.

*She likes to pretend to be a mermaid named Lisa.

*Her favorite word is "nussing" (nothing)

*She calls Chick Fil-A "chicken leg"

Since she turned 3, she has become more assertive. She does not put up with anyone mistreating her. She is very sweet and nice to other kids but won't put up with being bullied. This has cause problems at home because now she fights back with Laneah and they are at each others throats all day long. So annoying!

*Brooklyn is starting to repeat multiple words which is good. I was debating about getting her back in speech therapy. Hopefully she will continue to do well on her own and catch up. 

*She likes to play a game where she points to me and says "mama, you funny" and I say "no you're funny!" and we go back and forth and laugh. She gets fits of giggles and just laughs and laughs over practically nothing. It is so funny.
*"mama duck and baby ducks". She is getting better with taking baths. She doesn't like water in her face, but doesn't scream and cry as much about it. 
*She has to have a purse or a back pack on her at all times. I constantly find backpacks and purses around the house filled with little toys and knick knacks. 

*She has two best friends; Sidney and Avonlea. Brooklyn makes friends everywhere she goes though. Everyone is drawn to her. 

*One of her favorite activities is dress up. Thank goodness her phase of only wearing dresses and heels is over. She still likes them, but is willing to wear pants and tennis shoes now. 

*Brooklyn still likes to play with her toy food and kitchen. She has picnics daily and likes to "cook" us food. 
*She can still read book after book and is really into the Fancy Nancy books. 
*Brooklyn tests her limits sometimes, but it is usually pretty easy to get her back on track.

*When she gets really cold she will say "mama, I feezing, need hot chocolate". She loves chocolate milk and sporting a milk mustache. 
*One day she asked to watch Cinderella and went upstairs to get one, just one, glass slipper to wear while she watched it.  
*Brooklyn can get hyper focused on a task and tune the whole world out. 

*She likes when I "fly" her with my feet. I took these with my phone while I did it. 

Brooklyn loves to laugh and be happy. We love her!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Laneah at 5 years, 3 months

*Laneah had her 5 year check up last month and is very healthy. She weighs 49 lbs and 45 inches tall, which puts her at 85% for both height and weight.
 *Laneah decided she wanted bangs and took some scissors and came to show me. I couldn't stop laughing. She was pretty mad at me. She is proud of her "hair cut" but has promised me to never do it again...we'll see.
She loves to take pictures of herself. 

 * Her favorite book right now is If You Give A Cat A Cupcake.
*She has started replacing e for a in the beginning of certain words, for example instead of saying adoption, she will say edoption.

*She still wants to be a cheerleader. She loved our super bowl party. She made "cheer signs" and had Jason help her cheer. It was really cute.
*Laneah graduated from her gymnastics class and moved up to the next level. She is officially a Comet and she was so excited to go down to the lower, big kid area. She practices about 100 cartwheels a day and is really close. She can also do a handstand (knees bent though) for about 5 seconds.

*Unfortunately Laneah's teacher, Ms Debbie, canceled the rest of the school year. One of my friends decided to fill in so she took most of the kids from the class and is teaching preschool now. Laneah is enjoying her new preschool, but misses Ms Debbie.
*Laneah loves the snow. It hasn't snowed too much this winter though. On a side note you can see our new van in the background. We had to buy a new van. We got a 2010 Toyota Sienna.

*Laneah is very curious and very creative. One day she decided we should have a hair party and put a lot of bows in all of our hair. And then we danced.

*She is liking books more. She could read if she wanted to; she just isn't very interested. But once in a while she will focus and she can read one of the learning to read books out loud. Our library is really fun. They built this reading igloo out of milk cartons. The girls had so much fun playing and reading books in there.
*These are a few outtakes from her photo shoot that I didn't get the digital image of.

*She started swim lessons at Sport Fit. I like this place a lot better. She is getting better and more confident in the water.

*She is still my busy little girl. While we are in the middle of an activity she is always wondering which one comes next.
Love this little girl!