Monday, March 26, 2012

The beach ball sprinkler

One day last week it got up in the 80s, in March! So naturally Laneah wanted to get out the pool. I wasn't quite ready for that so we compromised for the beach ball sprinkler. It is $10 at Target and it is awesome. The girls love it as you will see from the pictures. Brooklyn woke up from her nap just as I was finishing blowing it up. 
 I wasn't sure how Brooklyn would do because she screams when her face gets wet in the bath and when we rinse her hair. But she loved it. She was sticking her face right in the sprinkler the little stinker!

 Poor little thing was shivering like crazy but every time I tried to cuddle her in the towel she would say "no" or "more" and get right back out there. 

 Laneah is all about getting wet so she had the time of her life.

 After Jason got home we decided to get out the grill and do the first grill of the season and we had watermelon for dessert. It was perfect. 
It has been too chilly to use the sprinkler again yet but that doesn't stop the girls from asking. Luckily they will have all summer to play with it. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Laneah at 4 years, 3 months

I had a little panic attack this month when I realized Laneah's first year of preschool was almost over. She is getting big so fast and as excited as I am for things to come, I wish it would slow down just a little.
Some of Laneah's current sayings:

*"I am a lucky duck"
*"halfed it in part". Usually in reference to tearing something in half to share, but she says this at least once a day.
*"ripping paper" wrapping paper; but her logic makes complete sense.
*Laneah renamed herself "Crankie Cookie Carter" and sometimes makes us refer to her as Crankie Cookie.
* She still uses b for v, so instead of vanilla it is banilla, or bacation instead of vacation.

New and Current Things:

*She still loves to play "deep dark" but has become obsessed with anything that glows in the dark.

*She loves to play pretend. Her most common characters are Rapunzel and Daphne(from Scooby Doo). Jason is always either Flynn or Fred, so either her husband or boyfriend. It is so cute. She even has special wedding shoes (a pair of my heels) that she uses for her "wedding ceremony".

*She is not very interested in books, but is doing better at writing letters and likes anything with math (patterns, counting, etc). She wrote her name by herself in the correct order for the very first time herself this month(it is a tough name to learn).

*Laneah has the same taste buds as her daddy. They love to eat seafood, chinese food and dark meat chicken together. She still calls Chinese food "China food" and insists on eating it with chopsticks.

*She is always asking people if they love her or if the are proud of her. She cares about what people think of her.

*Laneah likes being silly, but doesn't like being called silly(she is very sensitive). She enjoys making people laugh.
*We have had issues with fibbing and dramatic outbursts, but overall she is doing well behaviorally.

*Laneah likes to create. She likes play doh and anything crafty with glue, paint, scissors, glitter, etc. She is also very messy. She is getting better at cleaning up after herself but still has a long way to go.

*She has her own sense of style and is very picky about what she wears.

After years of begging to play soccer she is on a team and prefers to pick grass and put it in her hair than kick the ball. lol. But she is the cutest soccer player ever.
*She is my busy body. She always wants to be going and going and wants to play with friends all day long.
Laneah is my creative ball of energy. She amazes me, exasperates me and makes me laugh in ways no one else can. I love this little girl.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Early Spring

We have been so blessed this year with a mild winter and an early spring. The flowers are blooming and the Cherry Blossoms and Magnolia trees are full of buds and flowers. We have been spending a lot of time outdoors enjoying the great weather.

 Laneah has been in heaven since Rita's opened

Its been great. Hopefully it won't be super hot this summer.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Roarin' Blue Cows

Laneah has been so excited to start soccer. As soon as we bought her some play clothes and cleats thats all she wanted to wear.

 She had her first practice on Tuesday. Her soccer team name is the Roarin' Blue Cows. All the kids were so cute. They did some stretches and running and then played a game where some of them were monsters.  


 She had another practice on Thursday and then had her first game on Saturday. She was so excited Saturday morning when she woke up but when we got there she didn't want to play. We would coax her out for a little while and then she would come back and want to sit. But when she played she did well.

 Brooklyn couldn't let all of the attention go to Laneah so she was being extra cute.
 The coaches for Laneah's team are awesome and they are great with the kids.

Laneah's favorite part was the end when she got to run through the parent tunnel and everyone cheered. 

 Yay! Maybe next week she will want to play more. If not, she still looks adorable:)