Sunday, August 28, 2011


August has been a crazy month. I had walking pneumonia for 5 weeks, and then this week we had an earthquake and a hurricane/tropical storm. But despite these things we had a pretty busy month. I just haven't had the energy to blog. So here are some highlights from the month of August.

We went 4 Wheeling at Blake's house. He has two power cars; a jeep and a "caddy". Laneah had fun driving the jeep around. 
Blake in the caddy.
Brooklyn steering and pretending to drive.
Brooklyn loved riding in the jeep with Laneah. She would laugh whenever Laneah stepped on the gas.

We also had our first block party with all our neighbors. It was really fun. We had a snow cone maker and all the kids loved making their own snow cones.
The older "kids" played a tossing game.
We all pitched in for the meat and then everyone brought a side dish or dessert to share.
Brooklyn as usual only wanted a cupcake. I let her have one, and she kept going up to the platter and trying to grab more. I finally had to hide them from her.

We set up water games for the kids and they also had chalk and bubbles. They were in heaven.

We went to Breezy Point Beach with a bunch of our friends. The weather was perfect. It was another bay beach, but much nicer than Chesapeake Beach. The kids all had a great time. I forgot my camera and am waiting for some pictures from a friend to add here. 

We tried out the new moon bounce place by us called Joyful Jumps. It was a lot of fun. They have 2 hours of open play which is nice because most places it is only 1 hour. The place was clean and they had a large area of 8 different moon bounces with slides and obstacle courses. They had kid music playing the whole time and Brooklyn kept stopping to dance.

Laneah played the entire time; no stopping for her. 
Brooklyn loved it too but was tired after the first hour. The slides were her favorite part.

We also went to Silver Star Gym for the first time. Laneah had actually been there a few times with her aunt and cousin, but I had never been. We liked it so much the first time that we went back the next week and brought our friends Jessica and Sienna.
The gym has two large open rooms full of gymnastics equipment for all ages. The first room is more for smaller kids and there are a ton of things to do and play with. 

Laneah is showing off her skills on the bars.
Brooklyn trying to hula hoop.
This is Brooklyn's favorite toy there. It is like a see saw, but if you are by yourself you can sit in the middle and rock too. This time she had her buddy Sienna with her.
Brooklyn saw Laneah do the balance beam and wanted to try it too.
Laneah swinging on the rope.
Jess playing peek-a-boo with Brooklyn and Sienna

We ended up getting a pass there because it is a nice little place to go play and get some energy out. The girls love it there.

We also got to go to Scarlette's Princess Party. She turned three and we went to celebrate. Laneah and Scarlette will be going to preschool together. All the princesses posing together.
After the group picture, Brooklyn went up to the wall like "take my picture too!"
We played some games.

The Belle cake.
Princess Scarlette with her cupcakes.
Laneah showing off her booty from the gift bag.
Brooklyn chomping down on cupcakes once again. She ate a good lunch, so I just gave her one of the mini cupcakes, but as soon as she was done she starting crying for another one. She ate three and that is when I put my foot down. It didn't stop her from trying to get the cupcakes though. I guess I know I will be making cupcakes for her birthday party:)
It was a crazy month, but at least it went by fast. Summer always does. Hopefully I will be able to get back on track with blogging next month. It will be busy as well, but I will have more energy without this pneumonia holding me back:)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Can you tell me how to get......

To Sesame Place! I love this park. It is so fun and cute. We met our friends Josh and Emily and their two little boys, Micah (6) and Issac (2) at the park. They live in Pennsylvania so we don't get to see them very often. It was great spending the whole day together.
 We rode the roller coaster (super grover) first and then the swings. It was Laneah's first time on the swings and she loved it.
 Brooklyn and Issac waiting patiently to ride Elmo's flying fish.

 Emily and sweet Issac.
 This is the slowest slide on earth (Jason seriously had to use his feet and walk down it) but Brooklyn still had a huge smile on her face when she came down with daddy.
 Posing for a family shot while waiting to ride the teacups. Brooklyn's face is classic.

 After riding the rides we went for our lunch with Elmo and friends. Laneah was in love with Abby and Elmo, but did not like the Count or Cookie Monster. She gave Elmo and Abby endless hugs and kisses, but went hysterical when Cookie and Count came to the table. The lunch was great. It was nice to sit in an air conditioned room and give the kids a break. The characters sang songs and came around to all the tables  to say hi. 

 We were sitting right next to Big Bird and Brooklyn kept trying to get his attention. 
 Micah and Issac loved Cookie Monster.
 Brooklyn wasn't sure. She liked the characters, but not that close unless mommy was holding her.
 Brooklyn ate one chicken nugget and then grabbed this cupcake and went to town. 
 After lunch it was time for the parade. Micah and Laneah checked out the map while we waited for the parade to start. Despite the age gap, Laneah and Micah got along great. They talked, played and held hands. Adorable!

 We saw all the characters in the parade. It was a new parade this year so that was fun.

 After the parade, we went to the water park. Unfortunately I do not have a water proof camera so I don't have any pictures of that, but since I already have so many pictures on this post, it probably doesn't matter:) Brooklyn fell asleep on daddy on the lazy river so he took her to nap while I took Laneah on some other water rides. We did the water park for a while and then changed and got some snacks. Brooklyn tried popcorn for the first time and was hooked. She wouldn't let go of the bag, lol. 
 Micah with his sucker.
 After snacks and some playing on the playground we saw Elmo's World Live. It was adorable and all the kids had lots of fun. Mr Noodle was funny too.
 Brooklyn made friends with strangers all day. She is really blossiming socially.
 Jason wasn't feeling well and it was getting late so I rode the roller coaster with Laneah once more and we left. Luckily we got two day passes so we will come back again this summer.
Family shot right before we left.

The day was so fun. I had a great time. The ride home was not fun. Jason threw up the whole way home and the kids screamed almost the whole time (2 and a half hours!) but we made it home:) I am glad that we get to go back again. Laneah can't wait to go back, and even though she can't verbalize it, I am sure Brooklyn feels the same.