Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Birthday Bandit

 On Friday we attended Dallas' Super Hero birthday party hosted by his super cute mom Kami. She is so talented and she made each of the kids these super hero capes and masks with their first initial.

All of the Super Heros had to stop the "Birthday Bandit" so they played fun games like shooting a picture of the Bandit with a Nerf gun, and punching and attacking  the Bandit on the bop bag.

The heros also did weightlifting to get extra strong

Dallas' dad was also there, and just because he asked me to, I will post this picture. Laneah laughs every time she looks at it. (Note:he really didn't pee his pants, lol)

The Super Girls : Scarlette and Laneah
Brooklyn even had a little friend to play with (Charlotte) and she also had a lot of fun playing with a balloon.

They all had pizza and cupcakes.

I love Laneah's face in this picture
The kids all had a great time and Kami did an excellent job. Now if only heros needed naps.....

Monday, September 20, 2010

Laneah at 2 years 9 months

 My little girl is getting so big. She talks non stop and can and will repeat anything anyone says.She is still a social butterfly and always wants to be around other people, going out and doing things. She also loves animals so we have gone to lots of petting farms this summer and gone on pony rides, and gone for walks to see all the puppies being walked by their owners. She loves to run, be outside, and play and watch sports. I have jotted down a few of my favorite and not so favorite things about Laneah this month:

*Whenever Laneah hears a loud noise or a noise that is sudden she asks "what's that noisy?"

* When she is being goofy or someone else is being goofy she will say "silly billy"
* I thought that as she got closer to three, that her tantrums would not be as intense, however, they are more intense than ever. If she doesn't get her way, she screams, and I am pretty sure her goal is to pierce your eardrums. I get a lot of headaches, lol. But she is also throwing things and just throwing a lot more tantrums overall. When she gets really upset, she throws things, crosses her arms and yells "That's it!"

*She has learned her left and right. We started with teaching her left foot, right hand, etc. and then moved on to directions. When I am driving I will say, " I am turning left" to help her learn left and right sides better and to help her gain a good sense of direction.
*Laneah loves playing green light, red light. She does it when running, and it is has been really helpful in getting her to stop running away from me because I can yell "red light" and she will stop 95% of the time now.

*She is still refusing official naps, but needs them. She is really cranky in the afternoon and sometimes just passes out around 5 which is not helpful. 
*When she sees kids she doesn't know, she calls them "little girl/little boy", even if they are older than her.
*She loves to say "Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My!" and puts her hands to her checks dramatically. 

*Laneah thinks Oscar the Grouch is Oscar the Ouch and when she sees him she tells me that he needs a band aid.

*She loves to dance and be a ballerina so I am hoping she really gets into dance class more. 
* She is starting to pose for pictures, but uses a fake smile most of the time, just like her daddy. I think she likes taking pictures now because I don't always try to take pictures of only her anymore. If I am going to take a picture of Brooklyn, I either have to take a picture of  Laneah, them together or let Laneah help me take the picture of Brooklyn.  

*She can count from 1-30

*She has a very short attention span and only plays with one things for a few moments before moving on.

*Laneah has been turning the "r" sound to a "w" sound. Ex- instead of "green", its "gween"

* She still loves the Disney Princesses and we read their stories everyday.

I love being a mom and I am so grateful for my beautiful girls. Laneah is so sweet and tells me all the time she loves me, and gives me big hugs and kisses. I am so lucky.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brooklyn is 8 Months!

She is sitting up all by herself all the time

Brooklyn is a scooting machine. She scoots across the floor very fast

She gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. She has been doing it for a while so she will probably be crawling soon.
She said her first word: Mama

She is starting to show her temper. She makes an growling like sound if she is unhappy with you.
She is a very picky eater, if she doesn’t like the food, she will clamp her mouth shut and won’t eat another bite. Her favorite foods are mixed vegetables, strawberry banana, and puffs.

She loves looking at books, magazines and pictures

Brooklyn still loves jumping in her jumper or in our arms

She is a very good sleeper and is finally in her crib full time. She sleeps all through the night; only getting up once in the morning to eat and usually goes back to sleep.

She had a huge growth spurt right after she turned 7 months and in a week you could visibly see she was longer, chunkier, and her hands and feet and head were all bigger. She is now in 6-9 month clothes.

Brooklyn loves her big sister and watches her all the time to see what she is doing.

She is starting to demand more attention and entertainment and she fusses when I am not paying attention to her or if I leave the room.

She either wants to be held or on the floor where she can scoot around and explore. Sometimes she doesn’t know what she wants and goes from my arms to the floor, back to my arms, then back to the floor. Lol

Brooklyn enjoys music and is starting to show good rhythm. She waves her hands to the beat and rocks back and forth.

She had her first ride in the swing at the park and really liked it.

Brooklyn really likes animals and loves when she gets to pet our cat Monty

She doesn’t have any teeth yet, but is definitely teething. She has been more fussy and gumming everything.
The leaky faucet has been fixed! She hardly drools at all anymore; just a little from teething.

She is extremely ticklish and laughs hysterically when you tickle her; especially her inner thighs and her neck.

Brooklyn still loves to pat. When you pick her up, she always pats your back or your face. It is really cute.  
Brooklyn is our little sweetheart. She is still such a good and easy going baby. We love her so much. I can’t believe that I am already planning out her 1st birthday party. I love holding her and feeding her. She is so precious and I am so grateful she is my baby.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Little "Banena"

Today Laneah started her Ballet and Tap class. She was doing well until another little girl started crying and Laneah, determined not to be outdone in the drama department started crying as well. So it was in and out throughout the class, but she really liked her teacher, Ms Tiffani. Laneah calls her "Ms. Tiffadee"; so cute! But she looked adorable in her outfit and kept saying "Neah a Banena" (Laneah is a ballerina). She liked watching herself in the mirror while she was dancing and when her Nana asked her how dance class was she replied "I watched me". I think my beautiful ballerina will be a fabulous dancer!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brooklyn's First Word

Brooklyn has been babbling for a while now, but today she said her first word: Mama:)

Monday, September 6, 2010


 Well Labor Day Weekend has been a busy one. We have had birthday parties, parades, time at the pool,  & football games, but probably the most fun was Laneah's first "camping" adventure. On Saturday night after Jordan's football game Laneah and I (Jason) went over to my grandmother's house where we camped out in the back yard with her Aunt Megan, Uncle Tony and Cousins Anthony, Blake, & Jordan. by the time we got home from the football game it was already Laneah's bedtime so I was not sure we where going to go. But I had already told Laneah about sleeping outside in the tent, and when we got home all Laneah could say was "Go Tent Go Tent", so we went. I had to wake her up twice on the drive over (which is only about 15 minutes) so she would not be cranky when we got there. As soon as we got there I was glad we came. Laneah instantly got excited when she saw everyone. Uncle Tony had gone over earlier and set up everything. They had the fire going and hot dogs cooking. Laneah fed 1/2 of her hot dog to Lottie (the dog). After some general running around and chasing Lotty, it was time to roast marshmellows. 
As with everything Laneah had a lot of fun, although her marshmellow was a little under cooked. Once all the cooking was done we played flashlight tag. 
That was a lot of fun as well. Laneah likes to hide in the dark (usually in the bathroom) and couldn't stop laughing, so she was the first one found each time. About now it was after 10pm, which might be the latest Laneah has ever stayed awake, so we got ready for bed. Laneah loved the tent but at first was scared to sleep in it. Her Aunt Megan got her to fall asleep. 
The night got pretty cold but Laneah would never have known since she took all the blankets. She was also the first one to wake up; it was about 6:30 or so. it wasn't long before she had woken up everyone else up as well. All she wanted to do was go back and forth from Megan & Tony's tent to the boys tent. Everyone was in a pretty good mood. Laneah is definitely a morning person and she was talking her head off and having a good time. After a quick breakfast we packed up to head home. On the way home we got to see some of the horses and cows out on the farms and that topped it off for her. When we got home Laneah told her mom all about "Sleeping In The Tent" and then fell asleep in our bed.

Girls Day

For Labor Day I went out with my two best girls. Jessica is going to be induced next week so we wanted one last outing before the little one arrived. We started off with yummy lunch at Paneras.
Then we went to Stars Nails, the best place to get pedicures. It is like a spa but with low prices. They serve you fruit and drinks while you are getting your pedicure which is at least an hour long. They even give you a neck, shoulder, and arm massage while your nails are drying. Kami got french tip and a design, while Jessica and I got manicures. 
After that we did a little shopping of course. When I got home, Laneah insisted that I do her nails and toes too:)
 It was a fun filled day!