Wednesday, July 16, 2008

6 month pictures

The Many Expressions of Laneah

Laneah makes lots of faces and most of them are hilarious. These were taken on the trip back to St Louis from Nauvoo and were all in reaction to a plastic cup from Taco Bell.
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St Louis/Nauvoo

Sorry for the delay in getting my vacation pictures up. Our trip to St. Louis was great. We had so much fun and it was so nice to see my family. We took Laneah all over the place, she was tired but she had lots of fun. She didn't like the zoo too much. It was a really hot day and she just ended up falling asleep while sitting on Jason's shoulders of all places:) She did have her first carousel ride there with her daddy and seemed to like it. We also took her to Grant's Farm and they have a petting zoo there. You can feed the goats milk from a baby bottle, but the goats are really aggressive and they all jump on you if you have a bottle. I didn't want Laneah to have bottle and have the goats all over us, plus she probably would have tried to drink the bottle herself:) Laneah's uncles fed the goats to keep them close so Laneah could see them and pet them. She had a good time there, she likes to be able to see the animals up close. I think that her favorite place was the butterfly house. I love the butterfly house too. It is a beautiful indoor tropical botanical (enough adjectives for you?:) garden filled with plants, waterfalls, and of course, tons of all kinds of butterflies. Laneah loved watching the butterflies floating all around her and kept trying to catch them. Most of all, Laneah loved being around her aunt, uncles and nana and grandpa. They kept her entertained.

The fourth of July was fun. We had a BBQ and set off some fireworks. Laneah wasn't scared of the fireworks, but she wasn't as interested in them as I thought she would be. That night, my mom watched Laneah and we went to the annual fireworks show at the Arch in St Louis. Usually they call it 'Live at the Levey' but because the river level was already up to the steps of the arch, they had to have it elsewhere and called it 'Live off the Levey'. They still shot off fireworks from a barge on the river. We sat in the park almost directly beneath the arch. The fireworks show was really cool, especially with the arch.

Nauvoo was awesome! I love that place. We saw a lot of flood damage on the trip there (it is about a 3 hour drive from St Louis). The temple was beautiful and the sealing was amazing. We ended up having Laneah sealed to us in the same room that Jason and I were sealed in. It was cool because the sealer said to us that he didn't know why we were having it there because they normally don't do child/parent sealings in that room. But we knew why. What a special place. We hadn't been there since we got married. We stayed the night in Keokuk which is across the bridge and they have what they call a mall next to the hotel. At the "mall" they had baby tigers that you could play with. My sister and I got in a cage with a 5 week old baby tiger and a 6 week old baby liger. They were so cute and playful. Bummer we couldn't take pictures while we were in the cage, but we got a few pics of the them afterwards.

I know that I am missing a lot of stuff but it is late and this is already a long blog so I will write more later:)