Thursday, May 29, 2008

First Beach Trip

Over the Memorial Day Weekend, we went to Virgina. Originally, my cousin Thomas was supposed to be coming home from Iraq and that is why we were going there. Unfortunately, he didn't get to come home over the weekend after all, but we still had a great time. We stayed with my cousin's wife (Krista) and their daughter Madison, who is 8 months old. My mom was with us, and Thomas' mother (my mom's sister) was also there. Madison and Laneah had so much fun together. They played and laughed at each other. They even look like each other. As you can see from the pictures, they both have fuzzy blond hair, blue eyes, full lips and fair skin. When we took them out, people kept commenting "look at those cute twins!" We spent Memorial Day at Virgina Beach. Laneah did really well at the beach. Of course, she tried to eat the sand, but who can blame her? She liked the ocean waves lapping on her feet. I was surprised she did because the water was so cold. She had a lot of fun, but was worn out. After the beach she was sitting in her special chair watching a Baby Einstein video. As soon as the credits came on, she passed out in the seat! It was so funny! It was a great trip. Thanks Krista for having us at your home!
(Hint: for those of you who aren't computer savvy, click on the collage and a new tab will open up with an enlarged picture collage) Enjoy:)
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4 years!!!!!

Yesterday was our 4 year anniversary. It has been a wonderful 4 years. We have been through a lot but I can honestly say that these past four years have been the happiest of my life. I am so lucky to be married to such a wonderful man and better yet, to be sealed to him for eternity. What a wonderful blessing! I LOVE YOU JASON!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Anyone for some rice cereal?

Wow, this little girl is growing so fast! She turned 5 months yesterday. She started eating solids today! We mixed some rice cereal in a bowl with her formula and she took to the bowl and spoon like a natural. She loved the stuff! It was fun because she got it all over her face and hands. Here are some pictures and a video. The video is a little long so feel free to cut it short:)

Little Laugh

Just a cute little clip of Laneah laughing while I tickle her.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

"This little piggy went to the market" and other short stories

On Saturday Laneah discovered her feet. It was really funny because she was sitting on Jason's lap and she looked down and you could see from the expression on her face that she realized for the first time that she had feet. She started talking to them right away and pulled her socks off, played with her feet, and of course, sucked on them:)

She is battling her first cold right now, but it has been a very mild cold and she has been doing great. I took this video on Saturday. She loves when people sing to her, but she thinks it's really funny when you change all the words to a Doo or Duh type sound. This is her daddy singing to her and she has a couple cute laughs. Unfortunately I only caught the end of it so she isn't laughing as much as she was in the beginning, but it is still really cute.

I can't believe that I am going to be 27 on Wednesday. It sounds so old, but I don't feel old. And it doesn't help that Jason is always teasing me that I am older than him (a whole month and a half!) Anyway, it feels that each year goes by faster and faster. Does it seem that way to you? Oh well, what can you do but have fun? I am getting a massage at Roberts Andrew Salon and I am really looking forward to it. I want to try a Hot Stone massage, but it is more expensive and I want to hear from someone if it is worth the extra 20 bucks. Let me know if you or anyone you know has had one. But what I am really excited most for my first Mother's Day. The past three mother days were awful and I refused to go to church because it was so hard to see all those families, but this year is my year!!Yeah:) I feel so blessed to have such a sweet wonderful baby to cuddle with on Mother's Day.