Thursday, February 21, 2008

Laneah in her bear coat

Laneah's Adoption

On December 14th, we found out that Laneah's birth mother would be induced on the 20th. We couldn't believe it, we were finally going to be parents. Since we couldn't buy tickets in advance, we had to fly standby. And flying standby at Christmastime.... well lets just say we ended up buying tickets there. After battling holiday travel and a blizzard in a Hybrid rental car from SLC to Rexburg (that was fun) , our beautiful baby girl was born! Getting the call at 1 a.m. was the best news we had ever received. We had to wait until placement on Saturday to see her (she was born on Thursday). It was hard, but knowing she would be ours for eternity made the wait easier. A lot of people were worried about the birth mother changing her mind. Although we knew it was a possibility, there wasn't a doubt in our mind that Laneah wouldn't be ours. We all (Jason, the birth mother and I) had too many spiritual confirmations and experiences to doubt.

Placement was at the hospital. We were going to meet the birth mother at the hospital and then take Laneah home with us. When we walked into the hospital room, the Spirit was so strong. I saw Laneah and the world froze. My heart stopped and I couldn't talk or breathe. The birth mother immediately placed Laneah in my arms. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. I couldn't stop looking at her. The birth mother couldn't stop crying so we talked with the rest of her family for a few minutes and then left for "parent orientation" by the nurse.

We took Laneah back to the place we were staying in Idaho. My family came out for Christmas and they were able to see Laneah. It was a special experience. After exactly two weeks, we were cleared to come home!