*She walks like a pro; strutting her stuff. Seriously, she sticks her belly out and sometimes stretches her arms back behind her. It cracks me up.
*It seemed like the squealing was over, but it is back with a high pitched vengeance. Ear plugs might be needed.
*She is just so happy and content. She takes in her surroundings and appreciates things.
*She still doesn't say a lot of words, but she communicates very well. The word she says the most is "this". She will ask it when looking at a picture, or pointing to an object she doesn't know, like what is this. She also uses it to tell me she wants something. She will bring me something she wants and say "this" or point to something saying "this", like I want this.
*The ruling days of Laneah are over. Brooklyn is officially fighting back. She will take toys back, hit back, and sometimes she will take things from Laneah and run as fast as her little legs can carry her.
*Brooklyn loves animals. She chases Monty all over the house. She also loves dogs, but as soon as she gets close enough to actually pet an animal, she backs away. She is so cautious.
*She loves the movie Tangled. It is the only show besides Baby Einstein that she will actually sit and watch intently.
*Her hair has gotten so curly! When we went to Hawaii, it was crazy, so once the summer humidity kicks in, I am sure it will only get more curly. It is beautiful and I love it.
*Brooklyn is constantly playing with the tv remotes and blu ray player. She is not supposed too....here she is totally busted trying to put in a Baby Einstein video:)
*She loves carrying bags and purses around. Shopping bags are fun toys for her.
*My big girl can get on and off the couch all by herself!
*Everything Laneah does, Brooklyn wants to do too. After Laneah put on all her safety gear, Brooklyn had to try it on as well.
*The joys of eating. Brooklyn is always happiest after eating. Of course, she is always eating, so maybe that is why she is always happy??? Even when she isn't hungry, she has to be holding food in her hand. I guess it just so she has some in stock when she does get hungry. Silly girl. One bad thing is that when she is done eating she thinks it is really fun to throw the extra food off the tray. Fun for her, not so fun for mommy, who has to sweep at least three times a day.
*She loves when I fold laundry. Correction, she loves to unfold clean laundry and put on layer after layer of clothes.
*Since we came back from Hawaii she has been very clingy to me. She has hit the stranger anxiety phase too. And for some reason loud sounds scare her now too. She used to think the vacuum was funny, now she screams her head off when I turn it on unless I am holding her. The same goes with any other loud sounds. Strange.
*She is in that awkward stage where she isn't sure if she wants one nap or two so it has been hard to plan things.
*Brooklyn has such a sweet tooth. Anything with sugar or chocolate is her favorite, and if you don't give her more, you will feel her wrath.
*She likes to color and actually does a good job holding the crayons and scribbling.
*Brooklyn loves shoes like her mommy. She is always bringing me her shoes so I can put them on her. She tries herself, but isn't quite there yet.
*She throws a few tantrums here and there, but she calms down pretty fast.
That is a glimpse of what this beautiful little girl is up to. We love her so much! She is such a good toddler.
Her hair has gotten so curly! The curls are adorable. It broke my heart when I cut Isabella's ringlets off. I think that Brooklyn's are here to stay. She's such a cute little girl.
Oh how sweet little Brooklyn is!! I love her spinning in circles!! How CUTE is that! I miss her hugs and kisses. I love her dimples, her hair, her belly, I love everything about her!!
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