*Brooklyn is always adding new dance moves. Her latest is the twist.
*She loves putting things in my mouth (like a toy) and then grabbing them, or I will spit them out at her. She just laughs and laughs
*Loves, loves, loves remotes.
*She is very smart and independent. She is always trying to put things together, like puzzles and she tries to put socks and shoes and even sunglasses on.
*Brooklyn loves being chased. She squeals and crawls as fast as she can and then stops so you can tickle her.
*She has a total of 8 teeth now. She had 6 teeth come in from the middle of Jan to the middle of Feb. Yep, that was fun.
*Brooklyn took her first steps, 5 total, from daddy to grandma on February 13 at church while mommy was in Primary. I stay at home with her every day and she takes her first steps when I am not there!! I didn't believe Jason when he first told me, but people kept coming up to me and telling me about it, so practically the whole ward saw it, but not her mommy:( She is has taken a few steps her and there since then, but still prefers to crawl, which works for me.
*She still likes to use her walking toys and Laneah always tries to sit on it while Brooklyn pushes her around. Sometimes Brooklyn tolerates it and sometimes she doesn't.
*After her 1 year check up she had to have blood drawn for the lead test and allergy test and guess what! She can have milk and soy now! I was so surprised and relieved. I thought since it was such a strong allergy that it would still be around but it's not. Brooklyn has been enjoying all the food I have been holding back. She isn't crazy about whole milk (who is?) but she loves yogurt and ice cream (who doesn't:)
*Brooklyn gives the best hugs. I have never seen a baby give an actual hug before. She will put her arms around my arms and snuggle against me and squeeze with her hands. It is the sweetest thing ever.
* She also rewards me with loads of kisses. Love it.
*Brooklyn is a momma's girl. She has been very clingy with me lately. She loves her daddy, but mommy is # 1 right now. If I am holding her and get too close to Jason she leans into me and holds me as tight as she can while she cries because she doesn't want me to give her to daddy.
*This winter we really only got one decent snow so Brooklyn had her first venture in the snow. She didn't know what to do. She just sat there in her ginormous snowsuit and looked at the snow. She got bored and cold pretty fast and we didn't stay out long.
We love our little punkin and can't wait for more adventures with her.
i love the picture of her with the sucker in her mouth! haha. adorable.
I hate when they lose the baby look. But you're right, she does look like a toddler now. So sad :( You're never able to leave home w/o snacks in the diaper bag and/or your purse, are you? We have one of those, too.
She is so cute! I sure miss her! I can't wait to see her walk!
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