The D.C. Zoo was really fun. It was perfect weather outside and we saw lots of animals.

We didn't really have a plan of what we wanted to do and ended up taking a water taxi around the Harbor.

Brooklyn had a bottle and was happliy sitting on daddy's lap.
I'm so glad you had so much fun! I wish I could have been too! The pictures are great. Now Alex and Drew see why I'm always talking about Laneah and Brooklyn.
The picture of Laneah leaning over to get in the water made me laugh out loud. I even showed Chris! Gotta love that harness . . . we bought it for Isabella, but thankfully her running-away phase ended quickly :) It looks like you guys had a wonderful time.
Wow your brothers got older, but I guess we have too. Has it really been 10 years since we were at BYU-H? That is a little insane. I am glad they are getting to experience the island, and the tan. I miss being tan.
Cam- I know 10 years! We are so old!! I am turning 29 next week, it is insane. I miss being tan too, but I am trying to embrace my paleness to avoid wrinkles:) lol
this trip was so much fun! i'm glad we were able to come out and see you and laneah and brooklyn. they are so adorable! i can't wait to see you guys again next month :D
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