Just wanted to update everyone on our adoption status. After battling the weather to get here and holding Brooklyn, we discovered that a potential birth father hired a lawyer to contest the adoption. If he really cared about Brooklyn and it was about her I would have some sympathy for him, but it is not. First of all, he might not even be her birth father, second, it isn't about love for him, it is about power and revenge. His sister slashed the birth mother's tires and his family has called and left her nasty messages. He is currently in jail and won't be out for another month. His girlfriend harassed the birth mother and was arrested on her way to come attack her (luckily she got a lot of charges, she assaulted the officer, had drugs on her, was speeding and driving drunk) But this woman who lives with this potential birth father left messages on the birth mother's phone threatening to kill her and her children and that she would "torture Brooklyn, or whatever the stupid baby's name is". Hopefully this woman stays in jail for a long time. I am not sure what is going to happen. Our worker said that if it goes to trial, we could be stuck here until it is over, which could last over a year. It is scary. I miss Laneah so much. I thought I would get to go home on Friday and now I am stuck here indefinitely. I hope to get good news tomorrow.
I bought this necklace ( like the picture above, only mine has green beads) when I came home from Arizona without Brooklyn from a woman who has adopted two little boys and just won a contested adoption. I have been wearing it everyday; reminding me to be faithful. It is hard because every time we get close, something else happens, but I have to be grateful that the time I have with her right now. I have to be faithful and know that Heavenly Father will look out for our family. I know that we have been blessed and I have to believe that we haven't come this far only to have it not work out. Brooklyn is supposed to be a part of our eternal family. I hope that I will get to go home this week (Jason went back home on Friday) and rejoin my family, but for now I will continue to enjoy my alone time with Brooklyn and rely on my Heavenly Father to get me through this time of uncertainty. I will write more updates as I get them (hopefully from my own home!) Thank you for your prayers, they are invaluable!
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope and pray that this will be over soon and you can be home with your family. Brooklyn needs to meet her big sister and her big sister :)
You are so inspirational! Thank you Rachel for being wonderful and faithful and a fantastic example!!! I look up to you so much!!
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