I can't believe how much snow has been dumped on us this winter. On Saturday Jason and I went to the temple. When we went in it was just starting to flurry; when we came out, there was about 6 inches of snow and more coming with lots of wind. Luckily, it didn't snow as much as last time, but still enough to cancel church. Today was sunny but really cold. Jason took Laneah to play in the snow. Laneah is starting to really enjoy the snow now. It does help that I figured out how to get her to keep her mittens on. I have to use masking tape and tape her gloves to her shirt, otherwise she takes them off right away and her little hands get so cold. Works great! We taught her to throw snow balls today and she thinks it is hilarious to get daddy with a snowball. She is so cute and it is so fun watching her experience life.
I took some cute pictures of them playing and then made some chocolate chip cookies while they played outside. Yum.
Waving to mommy Making snow angels I love Jason's face in this picture. He loves playing with Laneah. We are so blessed to have Laneah, but Laneah is also blessed to have Jason for a daddy. He is so patient and kind and he plays with her so much. I hope I NEVER again have to hear that we can't love her as much as we would a biological child. She IS ours and I can't IMAGINE loving anyone more than we love her (the same yes, more, never). Jumping in the snow. Throwing snowballs at daddy.
What an awful thing to have heard. I am adopted and I can't imagine not loving my mom and dad as much as I do. Biological or not. That snow does look fun!
ha ha!I heard Laneah call her Daddy,"Jason"! They all do at one point. Of course Laneah is YOURS and the love and bond you have together is the strongest bond possible, Mother and Daughter. There is no difference!
Jason and I met at college in Hawaii. We were married in 2004 and moved to Maryland. We have two beautiful daughters and a son through adoption and live life to fullest.
What an awful thing to have heard. I am adopted and I can't imagine not loving my mom and dad as much as I do. Biological or not. That snow does look fun!
What cute pics! We realy enjoyed seeing you guys at the temple...and lunch after was so fun!
I sure miss you all! Jason is a great Dad, and you are a wonderful Mother! Laneah is so much fun. Stay warm!
ha ha!I heard Laneah call her Daddy,"Jason"! They all do at one point. Of course Laneah is YOURS and the love and bond you have together is the strongest bond possible, Mother and Daughter. There is no difference!
Her expressions are priceless. You can see how genuinely happy she is. I attribute that to two great, loving parents :)
So darling!
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