Sunday, June 29, 2008

Adoption Day and Celebration

So its final! We went to court on Tuesday morning. It only took about 15 minutes. Jason and I had to get on the stand and verify our names and information and state that we wanted to adopt Laneah. Then the judge ruled in favor of adoption and it was over. We took some pictures with the judge and then got our paperwork and left. It is such a relief to have everything finished. Now we have the sealing to look forward to next week.

Saturday was our adoption celebration. We had family and close friends over for a bbq and pool party (at Jason's grandparent's we don't have a pool :) It was great. The rain held off until after the party and the sun was shining. Laneah actually did really good in the pool too. It was a lot of fun! We can't wait for our trip to Missouri and then Nauvoo:)
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Brooke said...

We had a lot of fun too! Sorry you didn't make it into any of my pictures, don't know how that happened. I didn't make the dress, a friend just opened an online store (on etsy) with baby clothes that she makes at home, I loved the colors of that one. She only makes girl clothes, so I guess I won't be buying anything for myself!

Jen & Johnny said...

Congrats!!! I'll bet that is so nice to have that out of the way!!! What a great experience that you will have to be sealed together as a family!!! What a wonderful occation!!!

Heather said...

Yea! She was always yours, but I'm so glad it's "official now." I love the green bikini!

Giron Family said...

Aww congratulations guys. That is so special! I'm so happy for you all. The pool party looked like fun!

Jen & Johnny said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jason a couple days ago!!! Hope your day was fun!!! We miss you guys!!!!

K+C=M+K said...

Yeah!!! I am so excited for you guys and what a wonderful satisfaction to know that Laneah is all yours for eternity! Hope you guys are doing good, love you guys:)